Friday, July 1, 2016

When Your Writing Sucks...Do this?

Bloggers, self publishers, DIY writers....we all have that moment once
in a while when we've reviewed our creative writings and thought
"Oh my...oh my (wringing hands) writing really sucks".

What you do at that moment is crucial.


1/ Run and Hide: Quit writing....pull your self pub ebooks off of the net, and close down all your blogs.
Stop paying those hosting fees and let your website get pulled down.


2/ Stop and Breathe for a moment....and slowly keep writing..In fact...DON"T EVER STOP .!
Admit to yourself that you are on a learning curve and on this curve you are going to force yourself to
 KEEP your LESS THAN perfect work alive on the net....while you learn and keep growing. Keep those scrappy self published titles alive on line. Keep your blogs open....worts and all. Keep that tacky youtube channel open.
Then....after you have caught your breath and survived your own ruthless quality check.......................................................
 start writing again the very next day.

Which Choice you make is yours.....but if you choose that first option....please don't cry to me in 20 years that you wished you hadn't given up so soon. Your breakthrough moment may be just round the bend.

Not all of us will have award winning blogs, or be able to quit our day jobs to pursue a full time
youtube career....but ALL of us, can keep writing and sharing what God has given to us.
Your impressions of life, your reflection of life itself is raw and pure.

I'm going to end with a quote from the epic Tim Ferris:

"If you start out bad but are incrementally improving towards 

awesome, that’s totally fine. If you’re half-assing it and 

coasting, find something else you can whole-ass."

We treasure your honesty. Write on my brother.....we hear you sister.


Wednesday, June 29, 2016

What Has Happened to CNN?

Perhaps I haven't been paying attention....or perhaps there is a measurable change over the past couple years....but I want to note a few things about the state of on line news websites such as CNN.

Perhaps some questions should be asked first?

Since when is a "one-liner" followed by a series of photos....considered "full news coverage"?

Since when does a "well respected" news Icon like CNN  allow trashy ads to link from their main webpage?

Since when do those who do not have a paid subscription basically be deprived of any meaty news stories?

Is the trend moving towards the only quality news articles being offered to PAID on line subscriptions?

Well, perhaps I shouldn't be talks and often we DO get exactly what we pay for.
So I maybe should not be shocked to find that yes, I have no choice but to suck it up and pay good money for a "real" on line news source. I can't reasonably expect quality if I am not going to pay for it.

Ok, ok, cheapskate talk aside. Why would CNN allow anything that is less than stellar inhabit their website's homepage? I would never confuse CNN on tv with a trashy TMZ tabloid style of news coverage, so why are they allowing such low quality links and ads and ONE LINERS to dominate their homepage?

So real news, with in depth WRITTEN coverage doesn't sell? Facts don't sell? Good analysis, good
synopsis, is what I look for, along with a good overall coverage of the major happenings of the day/week....both nationally and worldwide.

I feel a little lost in today's news marketplace. What is worthy of my time and money when it comes to news coverage? My default stand by is still the The Globe and Mail and it has still NEVER disappointed me.

HBU? Where do you get your news? Do you pay for it? Or do you get it second hand from blogs, colleagues, or the ruffled business section lying strewn at your fave java shop?

Do tell,

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

What do They Mean by QUALITY Content?

Browsing through my fave Bloggers' posts and some Youtubers who earn a full time income from their Youtube spawned income, all have one of the same themes.

That theme is that they all preach the power of "Quality Content".

So.....what's that? I used to think that "Quality Content" meant it was essentially "non-fiction"
material that had been adequately researched and provable as reliable information....complete with as many bibliographical footnotes and recommended reading sections as possible. But alas, dear Carla was wrong.

This "thing" or state of being called the "net" is not a university and does not operate according to scientific formulas. But no.....what "Quality" means in terms of the internet and it's fickle a whole 'nother beast.

If modern newscasts are any indication of the current state of affairs on the net, it seems to be that
 "Quality Content" is merely anything that gets the MOST a nutshell. It may not even be true or factual....but as long as it gains popularly and may go "viral"....then as far as the Net is is high five certified "Quality Content".

I kinda wish that folks were asking for my/our opinion on this state of affairs, but sadly, that is not the
case. There is an insatiable appetite for "pop" pieces on the net and that is what gets the most views. It's like junk food for the mind. No need to hire a "fact checker" or research team. If it sounds good.....go for it. If it sells like a tabloid newspaper....then you're on the way to the races.

Hmmmmm....does this make you as sad as it makes me to type it??

Thinkfully yours,

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

One of the Worst MISTAKES the GLUTEN FREE Movement is Making

I'm so happy to see, yet again, that BIGGER and BIGGER corporations are jumping onto the Gluten free Bandwagon and serving consumers like myself who are trying their best to live a Gluten FREE lifestyle.

Some Mainstream big name brand name cereals like Chex are 100% gluten free.
(be sure to read the labels to confirm) Kudos! AND the Big BONUS is that they
NOT CHARGING EXTRA for the fact that they are making their products certified GLUTEN FREE.

But what disturbs me as a person, as a consumer and as a this.
SOME companies are trying to flood the gluten free  market place with
  VERY HIGH PRICED GOURMET gluten free items.

Eh.....err...that kinda just ticks me off! In my mind, if someone is going to "go gluten free", then they are going to have to adopt a lifestyle where  ALL their food items are certified gluten free.
 They DON'T want to just adopt ONE expensive gluten free DISH per month. 

News flash!....

WE, the GLUTEN FREE NATION, eat THREE meals a snacks. 

Therefore, we need the marketplace to provide products for ALL OUR GLUTEN FREE MEALS and SNACK TIMES.

Therefore, i believe that the "gluten free high end high priced gourmet product" promoters
are taking the wrong tack on this movement!

As a gluten intolerant person, finding gluten free stuff to eat all day and every day is a CONSTANT struggle.
Therefore, when I bump into beautiful gluten free foods that are priced out of the stratosphere, I think
"Sigh....they just don't get it."  

NOBODY wants to pay GOURMET prices for the regular foods they eat every day!

We want to pay as close as possible the SAME prices that regular foods cost,
 but in a "gluten free certified" kinda way.

Do you hear me? Do you feel my pain?

Thank you :) Point made.


Buy my new book Life in the Gluten Free Zone on Amazon today!

Disclaimer: This blog post is intended for conversational purposes only. The blog's author and publisher does not accept any liability for any of the ideas discussed in this post or any other post on this blog. Always obtain medical advice from a licensed medical practitioner.

If 30% of Cars will be Electric over the next Decade

Jus' thinkin' aloud again.....such a temptation for a blogger.

Volkswagon has announced that they are developing 30 NEW MODELS of 100% electric vehicles, to be rolled out over the next decade.
 What does this mean for us? What does this mean for investors?

First of all, what would this mean for our electrical grid. If, let's play pretend, that
30% of Canadian cars are electric by 2026, that would put a HUGE sucking on our hydro grid.
Would our grid be able to hold up? Would my province stop selling electricity to the USA in order to keep our electric cars humming? Or would the humble consumer be stuck with outrageously jacked up electricity prices? Would the 30% charge their cars mostly at their homes via their home garage outlets?
Would there be localized "electric refueling stations" around every corner?

I know that Suncor is already developing their next strategy in how they serve the public in the new era of
multi-fueled vehicles. Does every typical gas retailer really WANT to start selling electricity to locals or tourists? Secondly, from the looks of it, it can take a pretty long chunk of time to re-charge a car battery for an electric vehicle. Do we really want to leave our cars for several hours at a re-fueling station? Is that feasible?
Is that affordable? Will re-fuelling electric stations charge tourists for parking fees as well as the electricity they use to "refill" their tanks?

Well, when it comes to investing, should we all start funneling our investments out of oil and gas stocks and into the electrical grid? But then again, did you know that as of 2014 data,
  8.7% of Ontario's electricity was produced by Oil and Natural Gas?

So maybe we have to step back and try to get at the big picture. Going ALL ELECTRIC is not going to eliminate our dependence on oil and gas. It just will change the process.

I definitely don't have all the answers....but we sure do need to think this through.")

Peacefully and Thinkfully yours,