Showing posts with label epic bloggers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label epic bloggers. Show all posts

Friday, July 1, 2016

When Your Writing Sucks...Do this?

Bloggers, self publishers, DIY writers....we all have that moment once
in a while when we've reviewed our creative writings and thought
"Oh my...oh my (wringing hands) writing really sucks".

What you do at that moment is crucial.


1/ Run and Hide: Quit writing....pull your self pub ebooks off of the net, and close down all your blogs.
Stop paying those hosting fees and let your website get pulled down.


2/ Stop and Breathe for a moment....and slowly keep writing..In fact...DON"T EVER STOP .!
Admit to yourself that you are on a learning curve and on this curve you are going to force yourself to
 KEEP your LESS THAN perfect work alive on the net....while you learn and keep growing. Keep those scrappy self published titles alive on line. Keep your blogs open....worts and all. Keep that tacky youtube channel open.
Then....after you have caught your breath and survived your own ruthless quality check.......................................................
 start writing again the very next day.

Which Choice you make is yours.....but if you choose that first option....please don't cry to me in 20 years that you wished you hadn't given up so soon. Your breakthrough moment may be just round the bend.

Not all of us will have award winning blogs, or be able to quit our day jobs to pursue a full time
youtube career....but ALL of us, can keep writing and sharing what God has given to us.
Your impressions of life, your reflection of life itself is raw and pure.

I'm going to end with a quote from the epic Tim Ferris:

"If you start out bad but are incrementally improving towards 

awesome, that’s totally fine. If you’re half-assing it and 

coasting, find something else you can whole-ass."

We treasure your honesty. Write on my brother.....we hear you sister.


Tuesday, June 28, 2016

What do They Mean by QUALITY Content?

Browsing through my fave Bloggers' posts and some Youtubers who earn a full time income from their Youtube spawned income, all have one of the same themes.

That theme is that they all preach the power of "Quality Content".

So.....what's that? I used to think that "Quality Content" meant it was essentially "non-fiction"
material that had been adequately researched and provable as reliable information....complete with as many bibliographical footnotes and recommended reading sections as possible. But alas, dear Carla was wrong.

This "thing" or state of being called the "net" is not a university and does not operate according to scientific formulas. But no.....what "Quality" means in terms of the internet and it's fickle a whole 'nother beast.

If modern newscasts are any indication of the current state of affairs on the net, it seems to be that
 "Quality Content" is merely anything that gets the MOST a nutshell. It may not even be true or factual....but as long as it gains popularly and may go "viral"....then as far as the Net is is high five certified "Quality Content".

I kinda wish that folks were asking for my/our opinion on this state of affairs, but sadly, that is not the
case. There is an insatiable appetite for "pop" pieces on the net and that is what gets the most views. It's like junk food for the mind. No need to hire a "fact checker" or research team. If it sounds good.....go for it. If it sells like a tabloid newspaper....then you're on the way to the races.

Hmmmmm....does this make you as sad as it makes me to type it??

Thinkfully yours,

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

It's OK to Be a NOOB

Now don't get slick on me. Everyone's a NOOB at some point in their lives or careers...

We aren't born knowing how to do very much. So don't be shy just because you know you have to face that awkward stage where folks may notice that you are just an entry level amateur noob.

There "ain't nothin' wrong" with moving ahead with a project even if you know it's not going to come off as pro or epic "mastery".

As I've blogged about before....just because you will never become a concert pianist doesn't mean you should never learn to play the piano. Playing the piano for many years at an "entry" level is totally cool in my humble opinion.

And the same goes for many other things you may want to do online. Yes, you will most likely improve with practice at most of the things you do.....but that doesn't mean you should hesitate to do something just because you aren't yet slick at it.

For example, you may be a novice writer. You just LOVE to write, but have never published anything publicly and are terrified of being bashed or trolled for putting something out there that isn't polished or professional. What would my advice be?? I'd say...GO FOR IT ANYWAY!

Yes, it's hard to put out work that you know is not yet straight AAA STAR studded quality. But that doesn't mean I regret any of the stuff I have put out there online. I'm very proud of all my "noobish" ebooks and awkward blogs and regrettable tweets. Why? Because I had the courage to be out there in all my "noobish" glory....being willing to make epic fails in public, for the sheer purpose of knowing that
"nothing risked...nothing gained". All the gains I have made in life, have been because I have been a risk taker. I have been willing to take risks, without knowing whether I would succeed or flop. Thankfully, most of my efforts have been fruitful.

And so....I improve. I continue to grow....and eventually, with God's help....I will reach mastery of those skills I have put my hands to. But the bottom line....the point I really want to make to you my beloved readers is this.......I keep moving forward because I am not embarrassed to put work out in public that is less than awesome. I keep producing high volumes of work, because I know that through the sheer volume of projects I create, I am giving myself  MASSIVE LEVERAGE that will eventually tip the scales in my favor.

What have you given up doing just because you couldn't go public with something less than perfect?
What can you move forward with, now that you have the courage to be a noob?
Looking forward to reading your comments in the section below.

Peacefully productive,

Friday, January 8, 2016

PAID TO BE ME part 2

I have really enjoyed watching the rise of epic bloggers, who really put their hearts into their blogs and then later.....much much much later reap the financial rewards that came as a result of their personal blog posts.

Two epic bloggers are Seth Godin and Tim Ferriss. You can find their blogs easily online, and they have reached a threshold of number of fans that their ideas have garnered a sizeable income stream.

I remember Tim Ferriss talking about how much time he would sometimes spend on only one particular blog post..... hours of thought and much preparation. But, though those pioneering days are well behind him, Tim's sacrifice to try to create an epic blog made him a creative trailblazer in the world of blogs and modern thinkers.

My goal is to be "PAID TO BE ME" for lack of a better slogan....but that WOULD make a great t-shirt eh???
Yes, blogs can certainly bring you to that point, if you devote enough time, skill,luck and energy.

Anyway my original reason for wanting to blog today was just to mention to all the bloggers that read my blog looking for inspiration... I just wanna let you know that  we, the common man/woman LOVE to
see real hand made homemade art. We love it when you upload photos of the latest doodle you sketched on a napkin at that greasy spoon down the street. We love it when you post eccentric photos of mushrooms you
found in the creepy forest down by the crick.
We love it when you show us how you totally suck at applying eyeliner, complete with painfully obvious pics.

So what am I saying? Don't be so obsessed with writing words.....we love pictures that reflect who you are in all your kooky glory. We love drawings, painting, videos and sketches of your latest crazy inventions.
And yes, someone might just scoop up your unpolished ideas, but we will all have been privileged to ride that roller coaster before you get bought out by the big wigs.

Peace, bloggees,