Thursday, November 13, 2014

Obtaining Funding For Your New Business

I was reading in Nov 10ths, 2014 edition of the Globe and Mail, about how Robert Rhinehart, the creator
of the "instant" meal powder named "Soylent" he raised up the capital to launch his venture.
One of his sources of capital came from using a site called.Tilt  .
I was amazed that he raised over a million dollars just through that site.

The new age of funding is certainly developing. From sites like Patreon for artists like me, and Tilt for business people, it never ceases to amaze me how quickly ambitious folks are bring their dreams to reality.

Would you consider using a crowdfunding site to launch your next creative venture? Or would you only consider it if the banks turn you down?
Looking forward to your input  in the comment section below.


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Supporting Artists

Crowd funding seems to be one of the greater inventions of my generation.
It helped support the campaign that got President Obama elected and has also been the vehicle by which folks raise thousands and sometimes millions of dollars for other humans who have experienced a tragedy.

The whole paradigm shift in securing funding from a multitude of smaller donors at modest sums instead of
seeking out large chunks of cash from a few select and wealthy individuals is turning the industry of fund raising on it's head.

It is a welcome relief. When push comes to shove we really do want personal choices when it comes to who and what we support with our hard earned dollars. We want to support people and causes that we can relate to, and those that touch our hearts.

It's amazing what a click here and a link there can bring about in changing someone's life. Support for
quirky artists via the site Patreon is bringing much needed financial support to struggling artists around the globe.

Then of course, there are the folks who wind up gaining a windfall of cash for epically absurd adventures (such as making a potato salad) but hey a person can do whatever they want with their own money,.

I am thrilled that sites like Patreon exist, because it makes artists like me believe again in our dreams and hopes and ambitions.

Remember when that middle aged lady, Susan Boyle was discovered on Britain's Got Talent in 2009? Her voice turned her world upside down in one brief performance. That is the same concept that brings speedy rescue to struggling artists who post quick blurbs about their creative adventures on the crowd funding site called Patreon. If you are at all curious as what Patreon is all about, it's definitely worth a gander.

Be blessed and say creative.



Monday, November 10, 2014

Marketing Your Products as an Artisan

So truth be told, I'm back on the market selling stuff I have made from earthy materials and up-cycling.

What are earthy materials? What is up-cycling.

Earthy materials are as raw as possible, and preferably not dyed or painted with any kind of toxic substance.
They are raw materials such as jute, cotton yard, soy bean based yarns, hemp string, fabric made from bamboo etc. They are usually bio-degradable. They blend in well with any kind of
"Back to Nature" theme.

So perhaps you are still wondering what up-cycling is.....Well, in my humble opinion, up-cycling is when you take a product that already exists that might be ready for recycling or the landfill, and you fashion it and rework it until it becomes something totally new, more valuable and precious. It is recycling with a moneyed twist.

For example, I have a fondness for gathering those ole wooden skids/pallets and hacking them up and using them for firewood. But I've noticed that some creative folks have taken to making incredible
household furniture out of these very same wooden skids/pallets. I've seen whole walls make out of them, along with every conceivable style of coffee table, bookshelf and even chairs. That is genuine up-cycling.

Have you ever up-cycled something? By the way, if you want to see how I've up-cycled some ole blue jeans
check out my Etsy page at
Carla's Etsy

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Lifestyle Hacker Ex·tra·or·di·naire

My heroes are bootstrappers in all their uncut glory. The more gritty and awkward their experience as they clawed their way from obscurity to success, the more I am compelled to read anything they've written or said.

To me, the most compelling part of an artist's life is the time before they rose to fame, how they survived and how they made a way through all the struggle and the folks who told them to give it up and get a real job.

Once folks reach that "slick" time when their shoes are now shiny and they don't worry about getting the electricity turned off...I kind of lose interest.

Success is kind of's too easy. It's that journey from invisibility to prominence that beguiles me and appears worthy of my study time. Once someone has become a best seller and they don't answer their own phones anymore, I am really not that interested.

Ok, so who are those folks who have fought their way to the top with sheer will power and a touch from God's grace? Folks like Tim Ferris...folks like Tony Robbins, folks like Alan Corey and Alanis Morissette and Annie Jean Brewer (aka Annienygma).
Nobody handed them their fame on a sweet silver platter. They dodged and weaved until their success was the only thing left chasing them.

So maybe some of you are gettin' tired of the chase. I want you to remember, that this is the best part. The rest is just boring smooth sailing. This rough and rugged terrain is going to be the most interesting part of your life story, the gravy that makes the mashed potatoes. You will look back on this time with great pride some day, knowing that you gave it your all, and in doing so....overcame the world.

Hang tight sisters. Keep the faith brothers.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Ten for Ten-- Top 10 Tips to Make Cash

Tis sweet to be able to make a short and sweet announcement. I've published a new Kindle Book!
Woot woot. Way to get things done, Carla.

So if you're interested just type in Carla O in the search box of your local Amazon site and it'll lead you right to where the book is selling for your own country's Amazon site.
It's is published by Kindle. You can also download a free Kindle reader from the same site.
Enjoy and please do leave your review of the book on Amazon to spread the good news.

Ten for Ten --Top 10 Tips to Make Cash

Monday, November 3, 2014

Time to Nudge Ya

I know I isn't polite to nudge someone....hey I'm Canadian after all....The last thing I want to do is offend anyone or make them feel like I'm putting them on the spot.

But it's my blog and I'll nudge if I want to ")

I'm just going to come right out with it. Where is your written list of goals?
If you can answer that in three seconds, you have failed the test.

I can not overemphasize how important it is for you to make written goals and to have them in a handy place that you can review them daily or several times daily if necessary.

Human nature dictates that we are so easily minutia, by news, by fashion, by bills, by drama, and gossip and the list goes on.  But if you won't stick to your goals who is going to get you back on track?
It is up to you. If you can't find a pen, use a crayon from your child's coloring box. If you can't find anything to write with, then type it into your cell phone as a new contact on your list of stored contacts.

You might be rolling your eyes right it really that important to clutter up my slick cell phone with
a motley bunch of written goals that might not come true? Hey there, I caught already have given up on your goals even before writing them down. That is the real reason you don't want to write them down. The fear of failure is preventing you from setting any goals at all.

Well, mister or missy, it's time to get over yourself and how your emotions might be screaming for more coffee this Monday morning. I am just going to tell you nice and quietly but still HAVE to write down those goals, even if your confidence in yourself has wavered. Emotions come and go, but your goals can remain. Confidence can be fickle. Winning comes when you ignore your feelings and take steps towards your goals anyway!

That is all I am asking from you this cloudy quiet Monday morning. Take that step today and write down those goals. And when you do, send me a quick comment in the section below to let me know you did it! You DID IT!
We are here to cheer you on. Now go find that pencil.

Peaceful productivity.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

REstoring Life to the Classrooms of America

I stumbled across an interesting read last week...
"Third World America" by Ariana Huffington...

Normally, I'm not enthused when I read a socialist-bent rant on capitalism, but there are a few gems in this book that make it worth the read.....and hopefully you'll still believe in free enterprise when you're done readin' it..

Permit me to quote:

pg 121 2nd paragraph
"But if we are to survive---and avoid turning into Third World America----it's essential that we make it easier for creativity and fresh thinking to flourish in our classrooms, We need to start looking at things in bold and different ways."

Now isn't that portion something we can all agree on? Right and Left? Capitalists, Socialists, Independents and everything in between and beyond?

Jus' thinking aloud here....
When push comes to shove we are all going to wind up living with the countries that we create today. We will watch our descendants either thrive and prosper in what we create, or struggle and suffer for our stodgy old fashioned ways.

One of my pet peeves which I have yet to reconcile in my brain is that I get so upset whenever I see how new thinkers are viewed and rejected particularly in Christian church circles, I am horribly disappointed. I hear sermons on how to "not rebel" which these young thinkers interpret as a stern admonition to  "stick with the status quo, or you might just upset someone".

I believe that if good changes are going to come to our educational systems we must EMPOWER radical thinkers. We MUST empower those rebels who dare to color outside of the lines...for they look at life in new and fresh ways. We can not stick to what is comfortable and traditional if we are going to pioneer new breakthroughs for America.

You see, other countries don't have this hang up. They welcome unusual unique thinkers and they sponsor inventors to go beyond what has always been done.

We can not be afraid of change. CHANGE is our very best friend.
With the information age, being able to ADAPT to change is a crucial skill that not only
sports figures must possess to excel in their chosen sport. We ALL must learn how to bob and weave and
change how we think about what is possible for life in our towns, cities, countries and globally.

The world is indeed our marketplace, our school yard, our library, our fellowship hall, and our church.
Our friends and cohorts should not just be found in our own backyards. WE must be able to fellowship with
radical thinkers around the globe for the purposes of free enterprise, scientific breakthroughs and educational partnerships.

If most of the large cap businesses are, of necessity, globally competitive....we must educate our children also emotionally and socially to be able to socialize with people from other countries with other cultures, foods, and language. We must pass on an ability to participate on this global stage.

If we hesitate and run backwards with our tail between our legs, our countries will simply NOT be able to compete on the world stage. Our North American society will not be the envy of the world any more, and even our own citizens will flee to other countries where change and invention are welcomed and encouraged.

If our churches figure out how to love inventors and scientists and free thinkers, we will be harboring the best up and coming leaders of the next generation. But if we make them feel unwelcome for thinking in new ways, we will have kicked creativity out of the church.

Christendom, used to be the Mother of higher education. We still have a chance to reclaim that opportunity to incubate great thinkers and inventors,creative artists, educators and business people. We must learn to not be easily offended and offer our listening ears and welcoming homes to all, especially those who show an ability to pioneer something that is new and untried.

Churches can be the leaders in times of change, or they can become the unwilling mule that stubbornly refuses to go where it needs to. Love the new, test the new and escort the new into your churches, so that these precious entrepreneurs and creative folks will stay and flourish INSIDE the safety of the fold instead of outside of it.

Friday, October 24, 2014

How Badly Do You Want That?

I was perusing Tim Ferriss's blog again today. It's not for the faint of heart.
It brought to my mind that nagging question:
How Badly Do I Want what I Want?

Maybe you've started something new lately....started a new work out, or are thinking about applying
for some new college course. Perhaps it's something much more urgent and intense that involves uprooting yourself to a new city or a new job.

Well, let's chat a bit. How badly do you want what you have set your sights on?
How badly do you want this new job? Are you willing to move to a new town? A new province, another country? Your first response is usually the most accurate. Don't over-think it....just jot down your answers on a clean sheet of paper or on a your notepad on your phone.

Fill in the blanks:  .I want __________ so badly that I am willing to change my ___________
in order to achieve or get ______________. But I am  not willing to give up _________ to achieve or get __________.

This simple self assessment tool will help you see what might be holding you back. Maybe your desire for that new job is not yet strong enough to warrant uprooting yourself or your family. Maybe there are other conflicting priorities that are more important at this specific point in time.

Never feel like it's a crime to change your mind about a goal that you have set for yourself. I am merely encouraging you to "KNOW WHAT YOU WANT" before you put the wheels into motion making a huge change in your life. The sacrifice you are going to make must be WORTH it! The end result must be worth the phase of upheaval.

I am not one of those people who encourage "change" just for the sake of "change". There MUST be rhyme and reason to making a drastic life change. Some folks are just hyper and they enjoy making any kind of change just because they can't sit still. Don't be one of those people.

Measure your goals, and pick the ones that really fuel your passion . Let the rest flutter to the ground in the sea of forgetfulness. Your close friends and family will appreciate your "levelheadedness" because you have proverbially "looked" before "leaping".

Peace and productivity.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Your First Try Isn't Going to Be Your Best Work

There's just some folks whom God has given a special insight into humans.....what makes us tick and precisely what it takes that brings some of us that upper cut of accomplishment.

The legendary human I am referring to is Seth Godin. His books are so rich with profound meaning I find that i need to take it in in small doses or I will just implode with insight.

One of the great insights that Seth Godin has gleaned from his own journey to "success" is the essential need to continue to believe in your work even when it sucks. It's when you know the quality of your work is really bad, that it is most tempting to give up. But it is right at that moment that we are also most teachable.
When we have the sense to realize that our work, our product, our service or our art is of poor quality, is the time that we begin our search for what will make it great.......really great.

Some artists go on painting naively for decades and never really admit that their work stinks.
Now, wait a minute, I'm not being cruel. I'm just saying that recognizing poor quality is an urgently important part of eventually producing something of incredible quality. Do you want folks to ooh and ahhh over something you have made? Be willing to accept your own criticisms and then DON"T quit.

Just keep going, and yes, power through that season of "yikes ...what was I thinking" to where you are able to make a change. Being willing to make a change because of something that you have noticed is 100 times better than being forced out of the game because of something someone else has noticed. Criticism is best self-served.

Do you agree? Share your thoughts in the comments below.


Sunday, October 5, 2014

What I Appreciate About Timothy Ferriss

today I'm just gonna write a short blurb about the famed author and lifestyle "hacker" named
Timothy Ferriss. If his name doesn't ring a bell, you may recognize his work more so by his book entitled
"The Four Hour Work Week".

I suppose there are just some things that I can really relate to when it comes to appreciating Timothy's
attitude towards life. First of all, he really wants to live life on his own terms. He's not afraid to be labeled eccentric or unusual, as he is probably proud of those kind of labels. If being labeled unusual or eccentric is the price I have to pay for creating my own best life, then I will happily pay it")

I recently watched an episode of Morgan Spurlock's show "A Day in the Life of Tim Ferriss"
here's the link on Vimeo

The episode showed just what the title entails, just precisely what Tim does in a typical day. It isn't that I'm spell bound by watching other people's lives, it's more that I am always on the lookout for people that I can relate to.
So, in my own wonderfully quirky way, I saw a few more similarities.

Tim has an incredibly short attention span, and has figured out his own self labelled "OCD" by making sure his projects generally don't last for more than 3 months. He simply gets bored out of his mind if his projects last longer than this. Therefore his consulting gigs are a perfect match, because he likes to work in short and intense bursts of energy, rather than long arduous hauls.  He also demonstrated how he sets himself up to write on this blogs and websites, with a movie running on his laptop on mute, music playing in his ears via earphones and him typing away on his sites. When I found myself reading two or three books or magazines at the same time, I realized that I might also have this propensity, to have to have a lot of things going at the same time in order to prevent boredom and still remain in control and stay productive.

Tim also has a unique interest in managing his own health.....just like me. He recently signed up with a private blood testing company that is doing an in depth analysis of Tim's blood in order to diagnose any areas for potential concern, so that Tim can start now to make the lifestyle or dietary changes now before any diseases develop. I too, aim to be ahead of the game in prevention of disease and illness by tweaking how I live and by what I eat/drink.

Thirdly I just appreciate the "bootstrappiness" of Tim Ferriss. He actually used that beautiful word "bootstrapping" in the video. He just isn't afraid to work hard and make changes on his own terms. He's not looking for everyone's approval. He is looking for his own approval by creating a lifestyle that satisfies his own priorities and prescription for a great life. I think that's just simply raw courageous genius.

Have you read any of his books? Looking forward to reading your thoughts in the comment section below.
Peace and wellness.

Check out Tim's website:

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Access is Everything

One of the reasons I started this blog so many years ago, was simply because I was struck by the incredible power of access. Huh? What ya talkin' 'bout? Well, let me put it this way.
If you have been facing a roadblock in your career, it just may be an issue of access.

You see, relationships bring about access to new realms of influence and information and networking. And of course most of us know that having the best and most accurate information is absolutely essential. "Knowledge is power" as they say....

But what if you just don't know anybody? What if you are isolated and not mingling with anyone in your field of interest? Well, there's no time like the present. Figure out where your ideal network of colleagues hangs out, and go there. Is it really that simple? actually is.

When you get there, make sure you know why you are there. Don't just hang out without a purpose.
Successful people always value the imminent power of time. Career minded individuals count their time as more valuable than gold. And no, this doesn't make them cocky, it just makes them efficient and effective. They won't let you into their inner circle if you don't value their time.

Show a little humility. Yes, that "h" word. Folks seem to squirm when I use it. But there is much to be said about the power of a humble heart. By "humble" I merely mean, that you have to have a demeanor that shows that you realize you need what someone else has in order to move ahead. Don't act like you don't need anybody. Don't act like you've got it made in the shade....or no one will spend any time at all with you.
Act like you know what you want, but that you are willing to do as advised to get where you want to be.
Stay teachable. Stay reachable. Keep your cell phone on, even if it's with your last dollar. If folks can't find you, they can't connect you to their network of contacts and colleagues. Access is Everything.

So, in summary, if you feel like you're facing an impenetrable grey brick wall and you don't see any way through it nor over just might be time to meet and greet someone with greater access. Meeting the right person at the right time, may pluck you out of obscurity into the limelight where those walls no longer exist.

Peace and prosperity.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

School of Discipleship - One Year to a Radical Life

School of Discipleship - One Year to a Radical Life

Have a year to spare? and aged under 28? Have a love for Jesus that wants to grow?

Maybe it would bless you to check out the School of Discipleship that is hosted by Gospel for Asia ministries.

If you have never heard of Gospel for Asia, it is a group of committed christians who are reaching those who don't know Jesus in Asia. Their approach is refreshingly simple. Their approach to fund raising raises the bar of integrity in standards of  modesty and transparency. They make sure that the funds go 100% to the causes that you have directed your funds toward. They also have a "no frills" flavor to their ministry which is so wonderful.

Folks are tired of giving to ministries that use the funds to live lavishly.

Gospel for Asia missionaries are well prepared to live modestly and on an equal par with the people to whom they are ministering. They ride bikes from village to village and wear the clothing of the local culture.

I am delighted to learn more about Gospel for Asia as time goes on.

Peace in Christ.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Dream - Gospel for Asia

Are you interested in missions but just can't go?

I encourage you to take the time to listen to K.P. Yohannan's work in India.

His ministry is also very generous in that they will send you a great book to read ABSOLUTELY Free!

K.P.'s life story is very compelling. His ministry to the people of  India is filled with love and devotion to Christ. He teaches his workers to not be afraid of personal sacrifice, and he leads by example.

The link below will lead you to his website where you can watch a video about his work.

Peace and God bless.

The Dream - Gospel for Asia

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Dallas Stands with Israel Rally

I stand with Israel. God's promises to His Jewish People will stand forever, for God can not lie.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.


Thursday, July 31, 2014

Top 10 tips to learn a language

Matthew Youlden speaks 9 languages fluently and has developed several excellent tips to help us understand how to focus on a new language, and how not to give up too soon before reaching fluency.

Let me know what you think of this article written about Matthew Youlden.

Peace and knowledge.
To read the article click here---- Top 10 tips to learn a language

Monday, July 21, 2014

One Person One Tree -- As Wangari Maathai Would Say

I've been getting thoughtful again, rereading and re-reading again the literary works of the late
environmentalist and human rights activist Wangari Maathai.

Have you read any of her books? Some of her most well known titles are:

Unbowed: A Memoir
The Challenge for Africa
Replenishing the Earth

I continue to be humbled...literally to the ground when I spend any significant amount of time studying the writings of this legendary figure.

Her good will towards mankind seemed to know no bounds. Her willingness of sacrifice and
give up a life of leisure indicated her commitment to protecting the environment and helping bring empowerment to impoverished women across the world, starting in her own native country of Kenya.

One of Wangari's statements was her aim to have  one tree planted in Kenya for each person of the population....hence the mission statement arose from her writings: One Person One Tree.

I believe it is not an impossible mission, but rather something that is quite practical and do-able.

I live in Canada. I love my Country and all of it's incredible natural resources. We pride ourselves  here in Ontario, in the many green belts of prime agricultural land that lies across our province. We savor the ripe fruits and local vegetables that grace our tables.

However, the idea of planting just one tree to represent our existence in this land of plenty is a nouveau thought.

It will take some effort to accomplish this task. If you are a landowner then it will not be too difficult to accomplish this goal. Simply find out from your municipality where you are allowed to dig and plant trees, so as to avoid hitting any buried gas or other utilities underground. Then locate a tree nursery and buy and then plant one precious healthy seedling into healthy rich dark soil. Give the new seedling plenty of water especially for the first 30-60 days until it gets the chance to establish it's roots into it's new home of soil.

Then enjoy and watch the tree continue to grow and blossom and eventually become large enough to house a local bird family, the occasional squirrel and become shade for man and beast.

What do you think of Wangari's mission? Is One tree planted per person a possibility in your  country?
Is it something that you can see yourself doing?

Looking forward to reading your comments and discussion in the section below.


Saturday, July 12, 2014

Demanding a Refill - Gospel for Asia

It never stops amazing me, the power of the love of Jesus to transform and heal brokenness.

If you are in the mood for an inspiring story, read this Gospel for Asia's story about a family broken by alcohol addiction and how one faithful missionary filled with the love of Christ, brought about a complete change in direction.

Demanding a Refill - Gospel for Asia

Friday, July 4, 2014

The Gluten Free Mine Field

Classified as "gluen intolerant" is what I have been told.
So I'm not an official "Celiac".....just ups and downs with symptomatic reactions to what I eat.

I'm grateful that this gives me a less intense pursuit of the gluten free lifestyle than those who
have been diagnosed with the real deal "Celiac".I've been told that real Celiacs can even get cancer from cheating on their gluten free diet....
Is that true? My heart goes out to you. It's hard enough finding gluten free food, let alone having medical pressure "forcing" one to find such gluten free items.

Anyway, so i Do try almost all the time to eat a gluten free "diet".......I don't really like that word
"Diet" as it sounds so controlling....and I'm not that kind of gal.

But I have found such a huge difference in my state of health when I eat exclusively gluten free items that it makes it worth the effort to hunt down, find, and pay for those gluten free items.

The ultimate score is when I can find something officially gluten free to eat that isn't priced high.
I have no idea why so many gluten free items are sooooo overrpriced. They aren't made from gold and so many gluten free products are made from rice...which is very low I just don't comprehend this issue.

Walmart has been the cheapest place I have found so far to buy gluten free groceries. Thank you Walmart!

Have you had any luck lately in providing yourself or a family member with a gluten free lifestyle?

Looking forward to your comments.

Friday, June 6, 2014

My own Snazzy Think Tank

Creating your own think tank…..

I don’t know if you’re like me….you may have a wonderfully different background than I do.

But perhaps we share a unique fascination with creating one’s own awesome

Creative zone.

For me, I would call it my own personal “Think Tank.”

Hmmmmm what would it include?

It would have four monitors connected to my ultra high speed computer with unlimited memory and super fast speed for downloads, uploads and sideloads….you get the picture.

On one of the monitor would be streaming CNN

The other one would be streaming BNN

The third might be streaming a personalized live updated screen of my favourite stock picks.

The fourth might be just a blank canvas such as this, in order to have a place to blurt out my brainchildren.

Then of course, I would need one monitor of the four that I would convert to using for the other sites I frequent, such as Hotmail…,, etc.

This think tank would be a room roughly 20 ft by 10 feet.

Along one long wall would be floor to ceiling white boards.

Along another wall just above my height would be a locked up book case, to house my precious literary treasures.

Which books mean the most to you? Which  books just mean something just because they exist, because they express something that is very personally significant to you?

Elsewhere in the room would be my favourite tilting ergonomic office chair. Something I can lounge it, but that can pop back into office work mode for intense computing.

The desks , there would be at least three of them…and must be perfectly suited to my height and comfortable sitting height.

The room would also need a huge set of speakers upon which I can perch my phone as a docking station and from which I can blast my favourite seminars or university classes.

You see, I have a bit of an obsession with M.I.T’s opencourseware….it’s the right price (free) and is taught at a level that is wonderfully above my own. Hey you got to reach up sometimes and hang around folks who know more than you eh?

What would you include in your own idea “CREATIVE ZONE”?

Wrinkled Papers

It is sooo important to be able to write in a similar manner as to how I speak.

In fact, it is one of the skills that has permitted me to go forward further into writing.


Had I not adopted this technique no doubt I would have given up writing years ago.

What is it about writing that is so eminently rewarding?

Is it because it somehow freezes in time the tone and

Substance of our thoughts?

The living legend. Mr. Seth Godin writes about taking up the practice of writing onto a public forum as regularly as possible, daily if possible.

He endorses writing, not in order to be swayed by public opinion and comments on your writing , but rather in order to hone your craft and to allow your written voice to flourish to fuller bloom.

I wholeheartedly agree. Writing on blogs is not even so much about the template or forum upon which you write, but rather that you are waltzing into an epic journey every time you pick up your pen, or your tablet or your piece of chalk.

I am under no illusions as to what the habit of writing means to different folks around the globe. Some scurry with their coins to internet café’s in order to plunk in a few precious tidbits of theory that they have been working on for months.

Others save their wrinkled paper notebooks and painstakingly transcribe them onto their blogs when their parents have taken the time to get their internet connection back up and running.

So blogging brothers and sisters, please don’t weary of the process. It is a journey. It is my walk of life.


Monday, June 2, 2014

Can you Use a Special Blessing?

It was first brought to my attention by the christian teacher Bill Gothard
that there comes a special blessing from God when 
one takes the time to read aloud the first 5 chapters of the book of Revelation....which is the last book of the Holy Bible.

I have experienced this blessing numerous times.

Well, you might be thinking....why the special blessing on those specific chapters? Well, the assumption is based on 
Revelation Chapter 1 verse 3 which states " Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand."

I'm not sure why the first five chapters have been emphasized especially as, of course, reading the whole book of revelation would also be awesome.

But I have discovered that it really does bring  about a special blessing.
I would actually dare you to try it and see if you don't feel a tangible difference in your mindset and in the very atmosphere that you are in.

If perhaps you don't own a bible for yourself, you can go to the free online bibles that are available at and I would encourage you to use either the New King James Version or the King James Version.
Some folks have a more difficult time with the old style of formal english that appears in the original King James version of the Bible. That is why the 
New King James version is a little more "user-friendly" with it's more commonly used terms instead of the very formal "thees and thous" of the original King James Version.

Let me know how your experience was when you tapped into this blessing.

Peace and prosperity.


Sunday, June 1, 2014

Soylent: How I Stopped Eating for 30 Days

Very intriguing idea folks......

similar to astronaut foods, one can just use soylent as their staple food source and only eat "real" foods when they feel like it.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Gluten Free Has GONE MAINSTREAM !!!

I am so grateful for this change of events. I have discovered that in my neck of the woods in Ontario, Canada.....that alas finally....gluten free foods have GONE MAINSTREAM!

Why do I believe that this shift has finally occurred? Because I was in Shopper's Drug Mart the other day, and lo and behold there was a large section allocated in between the "regular" foods, that was exclusively fore GLUTEN FREEE foods~! WOOT WOOT!.

This discovery confirmed to me that finally another major retailer has come to the conscious conclusion that
"helping" consumers who are trying to live a gluten free lifestyle is a lot smarter than ignoring them and pretending they don't exist. Bonus points for Shopper's Drug Mart.

So now, the following major chain stores carry a good selection of gluten free foods:
Food Basics
Shopper's Drug Mart.

Hmmmm do any other stores come to mind? Does Walmart carry a good selection of gluten free foods?
Let me know if you know of any retailers that do and post your comments in the comment section below..

Peace and Health.