Sunday, November 23, 2014

Mindfulness? I Think It Depends on What is On Your Mind

Yes, yes I know it's trendy.... everyone and their cousins are preaching some "gospel" of mindfulness.
But hey it's supposed to be uncool to ask actually "What" we are supposed to be mindful of.

But let's get real ok? Mindfulness is a little bit sketchy. Some folks talk about mindfulness as the next great teaching tool. But I want to say it again....just WHAT are we supposed to be mindful of?

As a Christian, I find this mindfulness idea to be rather grievous to a Christian's mindset.
We are taught to have the mind of Christ....not to just simply be "mindful".

If your mind is full, what really is it full of?

If you want to renew your mind, it's time to get in deep up to your elbows into the good ole bible, not some new age wonky unclear mystical teaching.

If you can find "mindfulness" in the bible, then please send me the verse from scriptures into the comment section below. I'm all ears.....


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

There's Never Been A Better Time to Be a Writer.....

It used to be an exclusive club....something for college professors in corduroy blazers with fashionable patches on the be able to say that they are an "author".

But the inner self of Indie Artists of today won't stay for that obligatory purgatory any more. They simply must write, in any form and fashion they want to....and write they will.

It's not that suddenly it has become ultra lucrative to be a writer, more so than before, it's just that the
opportunity to be heard in a multitude of different platforms has exploded.

Yes, after reading Stephen Baker's book "The Numerati" I realize that many of the content farms of the net, are simply being used by bigger forces to gather data, precious consumer and personal data that will be shaped and molded into something that can be sold to a bank or an ISP or credit card company.

But after all the worries about Big Brother fade away, there still remains my joyful conclusion
that it's simply the very best time in humanity to be a writer. Write on!

Choose any platform and choose your focus.... blog with Wordpress or Blogger, make elaborate Facebooks pages for your field, and carve out a niche with your Twitter account. If you are really obsessive about it, you might even start writing socially for Hub Pages, Helium or Bubblews.

The world is your oyster folks. Be discerning. Be discriminating. Let your platform reflect a part of what you want to say. But please don't ever be silent again. The human race is awakening..... awakening to the power of their own words .....and I for one, couldn't be happier.

Write on, dear friends....write on.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Thank you for Your Patience...

Tis a time of changes, not huge changes, just little tweaks and nips and tucks so that my blog can better reflect what I'm celebrating. So, I appreciate your patience, dear readers, who have surfed the blog over the past couple weeks to find it arranged in a multitude of different formats and configurations.
By the way, if you have some suggestions as to your favorites, I'm all ears.
I'm trying to format the blog in such a way as to not only please the appearance on PC's but also on Mobile.
Wish me luck!
