Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Nature of Genius

To my readers, I would like to start a discussion about genius. What is your impression of what comprises genius? What is it? What do you consider to be a mark of genius?
Is it someone who instinctively understands how to construct peace between two radically opposed parties?
Is it someone who crafts formulas and theories of the expansion of the universe?
Is is someone who can learn a new language in less than 6 months?

If someone in your immediate family were a bona fide genius, how would you treat him or her?
Would you make special allowances for his or her absentmindedness? Would you "sponsor" their livelihood because you knew in your gut that they were going to do something great with their life?

How would you nurture that genius? If you had a choice as to influence who that genius spent time with, would you advise that person who to befrieind and who to ignore? Or would you do the opposite and give them extra freedom to discover their own best friends and healthy relationships? Would you strongly encourage the genius to attend a miriad of extra curricular classes?

I would love to hear your thoughts and input.
Peace Carla

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Book Review on Garlic- Nature's Original Remedy

This is my book review of the book entitled "Garlic- Nature's Original Remedy " authored by Stephen Fulder   Ph.D. and John Blackwood. published by Healing Arts Press in 2000 and 1991 (original edition)

I think the word  "astounded" is the best word to describe how I feel after reading this book. It is absolutely amazing to me to see that a small under priced bulb of fresh garlic can be studied so thoroughly and have so many multiple health benefits.

What are some of the benefits of consuming raw uncooked garlic? This book describes the positive effects of raw garlic on conditions such as high blood pressure, tuberculosis, bacterial infections such as candidiasis, as well as high cholesterol. The use of garlic as a natural antibiotic is thoroughly discussed and compared scientifically to the use of traditional prescribed antibiotics.

The book also explores the folk lore behind the use of garlic and how different nations have snubbed their noses at garlic because of its notable pungent scent.
The authors calmly discuss how scientific studies have produced credible evidence of the positive effects of raw garlic on many many sick individuals who often find measurable positive results from taking raw garlic.

The best ways to consume garlic are also discussed as to their convenience factors, amounts and efficacy. The authors believe that raw garlic eaten fresh and chewed before swallowing releases the most potent and beneficial compounds. However they do also explore the benefits and drawbacks of consuming garlic oil in capsules and other garlic based tablets.

If you have any interest at all in improving your health and are looking for an informative exploration of all the dynamics of using garlic as a supplement, I highly recommend you try to find this book. It may be available at your local library or available to order online.
God bless and be well in 2013.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Gluten Free at the Mandarin

And so my quest for all things gluten free led me to contact the Mandarin buffet restaurant head office in order to determine their perspective on the foods they offer at their buffet restaurants in Canada. I received a very friendly and helpful response which I will share with you below:

Thank you for your e-mail regarding our gluten free items. It is very difficult for me to answer your question as we do not have a detailed ingredient list available for our buffet items. There are many items that may contain gluten.
It may be helpful to let you know that we use canola oil when preparing most of our dishes. We also use corn starch in many of our soups and stir fries. Chicken base is also used in most of our hot buffet dishes and stir fries, and as far as I know, it is not gluten free. Our Garden Salad is prepared without dressing (You must select your own dressing for the salad), and our grilled items are marinated before they are cooked. Our Soy Sauce is not gluten free. Also, to my knowledge, our plain Steamed Rice and Peel and Eat Shrimp should not contain gluten.
We do have an à-la-carte menu available as an alternative to the buffet. Simply ask your hostess or server for our menu upon being seated. Our chefs may be willing to prepare a dish without chicken base or other ingredients containing gluten at your request. However, please be advised that it is almost impossible to say that any dish is gluten-free because there is a high risk of cross-contamination in our restaurants.
I hope that this information will help you, if you choose to dine at Mandarin. Thank you for contacting us with your question.

Mandarin Restaurant Franchise Corporation
8 Clipper Court, Brampton ON L6W 4T9
T 905-451-4100
F 905-456-3411

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Gluten Free at Starbucks

Ok, so in my quest for all things "gluten free" I contacted the  canadian head office of Starbucks.
Basically I got a long but friendly email back stating the following:

We're delighted you took the time to contact us!

Starbucks is unable to guarantee a "gluten-free" environment in our retail locations due to the potential for cross contamination with gluten-containing products. The open environment and operating procedures of our store locations may present additional risk for gluten-sensitive customers aside from the gluten-containing ingredients themselves. "Gluten-free" is a claim with specific requirements defined by government agencies and industry standards. We are unable to make this claim on a product unless the item is specifically formulated and manufactured to meet the definition of the claim.

Thanks again for writing us.  If you ever have any questions or concerns in the future, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

So that was the main gist of the email. Kinda stinks that a prosperous company would care so little for those who are struggling daily with gluten intolerance. Even Rice Crispies has come up with a "Gluten Free" brand  of rice crispies in order to meet the demand. If you want to inquire about the Starbucks locations in your neighbourhood contact their head office yourself either through their website or by snail mail:

Note to their credit. The local Starbucks does carry some prepackaged snack bars under the brand called
"Kind" which are labelled gluten free. However, that seems to be the limit to their gluten free food options.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Winter Wellness!

The following KEY points to think about to maintain wellness during the winter months may assist you and your family:

Chewable Vitamin C tablets-- readily available at pharmacies and grocery stores--follow the instructions on the label.Vitamin C is said to boost the immune system and prevent vulnerability to colds and flus.
Raw Ginger-- peel a raw chunk smaller than a dice and swallow it with water like a supplement. Take care to chop it small enough that you can comfortably swallow it easily.
Raw Garlic-- One raw peeled clove of garlic taken at night, chopped into small size pieces that you can easily swallow with your favorite beverage. Raw garlic has been praised in numerous books and articles and is also being studies for it's effects on prevention of cancerous tumors.
Sunlight-- even though there isn't much sun these days in the winter time, your mood will lift if you are able to get outside even for a ten minute walk in cloudy weather. Even through the clouds, there are small amounts of sunshine that seep through, that can help you maintain a joyful mood and help infuse your body with small amounts of Vitamin D, aka, the sunshine vitamin. Of course, you must observe your own doctor recommended forms of sunscreen through the use of sun screen, sun block, proper protective clothing and hats. Sunlight that reflects off of objects around you outside will still impact you under any hat you may be wearing.
Probiotics- Doctors have finally come to the conclusion that our digestive tract may occasionally needs some support with the assistance of supplemental probiotics. Talk to your doctor about taking probiotics to assist your digestive system. Some individuals find that taking probiotics regularly helps them prevent cravings, gas, bloating, and constipation. Winter months can be more sedentary for many people, and therefore some people find that they are tempted to eat more food during the winter. Probiotics are sometimes helpful in curbing those uncontrollable cravings for carbohydrates.
Iron supplements for Women-- Seek your licensed medical practitioner to have regular testing of your iron levels, especially if you are in your years of menstruation. Women battling fatigue often discover that they have been low in iron, which is easily fixed with proper doctor recommended levels of iron supplementation.
Oregano Oil-- These pure oils are VERY VERY potent and should always be used sparingly. Just one or two drops of oregano oil in your coffee or tea can help build up your immune system against winter time colds.Most health food stores and some pharmacies carry these kind of oils. If you can, try to get the organic form.
Simplicity-- Keeping your food regimen simple and fresh. Perhaps this is obvious, but note that even though there really isn't much seasonal fruits and veggies locally available in the winter, that you don't necessarily need to neglect your good fresh food habits. You can gain great benefit from simple winter wonders like
homemade chili made from whole canned tomatoes, canned kidney beans, onions and garlic and bits of your favorite proteins such as meats, cheeses, or tofu.Season generously with rich chili powder and kosher salt. Serve your chili with a spoon of fresh sour cream, for that finishing touch.
Other fresh wonderful winter comfort foods include Homemade Chicken stew made with your
favorite seasonings such as parsely and curry powder. Basic healthy items are hopefully available year round in your grocery store, such as carrots, potatoes, apples and bananas. Keeping those items around will help you have fresh items available to nibble on when you or your family get the munchies. Oatmeal is available as a great breakfast food to have with your favorite natural sweetener and/or frozen/canned berries.

May you be blessed with the info you need at the right season in your life to learn what works well for you and your family in maintaining a happy life with more than enough energy and zest to accomplish all that God has called you to do.
Disclaimer: This list is intended for conversational purposes only, and is not intended as medical advice, and is not intended to replace medical advice. This blog post is not intended to suggest treatments, cures, diagnosis, or prevention of any disease. Always consult your licensed medical professional for medical advice. The author and publisher of this blog post hold absolutely no liability for any ideas discussed in this post