Sunday, December 22, 2024

Audacious People Upsetting Folks

This orchid was a stubborn one. I had to patiently learn what it likes. It likes the sun, but doesn´t need to see it all day. It likes water, but it also likes to fully dry out and have some days of dryness.

It likes to be propped up with sticks when it starts to lean one direction or another.
It likes it when i add organic items to the soil.

And so it is with finding new and sometimes radical thinkers.
Some of them really rub me the wrong way. They do not speak the way I do. They use language and take actions that I really would not consider. BUT, yet they qualify for a spot on my shelf, to live and learn sift through their ideas with my soul and my spirit and my heart.

Wangari Maathai was a legendary ambassador of ¨all things tree related¨ and she founded a tree planting movement that has planted so so so many trees.... that the global ¨green effect¨ may be viewed from space! Yes, the green space on earth has been improved by global tree planting efforts. Yes, you can make a difference.
Yes, admittedly, Wangari was not the only eco warrior planting trees and inspiring others to do so....but still, she played a key role not only in Kenya, but on the world wide stage.

Then there is the even more controversial Indian environmental activist by the name of Vandana Shiva.
She does not apologize for her ¨anti-corporate¨ teachings. As for myself, who enjoys the stock market, it is difficult to hear her rage on about corporations and the power of shareholders. But, again, speaking for myself, as someone who connects so deeply with nature, with trees and seeds and gardens and the soil itself..., I find myself listening quietly....trying to learn more from Vandana .....more than what my upbringing can bear. I am learning to stretch. I must stretch.

I must admit that Vandana Shiva has done an incredible thing by empowering small farmers and regular citizens to fight back against genetically modified seed monopolies. She and her organization have empowered many thousands and thousands of people to build seed banks and acknowledge their quiet grassroots power. She is the embodiment of food sovereignty. She empowered the humble small plot Indian farmers who felt bullied by the GMO seed corporations that were trying to take over the agricultural industry in India. She made them feel heard and recognized the legitimacy and power of small plot local farms. She defended the rights of those who pressed their own seed oils in small scale local oil production shops. She fought against media that was skewed in favour of large corporations and sought to defend the rights of the humble farmers. She made subsistence farming seem cool again and important and nurturing.
The notion of food sovereignty was probably first introduced to me through another radical thinker by the name of Robin Greenfield. (he has  gotten rid of all his government ID) and most modern ways of living. Although some of his choices quite annoy me, to be frank......his lifestyle is  so focused and simplified, to the point where you know, he can only go ¨up¨ from such a radically intentionally impoverished position in society. When someone refuses modern distraction and allows himself to become intentional in almost everything they do, from the homemade shoes he wears to the way he has created a community of like minded supporters who follow all his radical life experiments.

I began to see, through Robin Greenfield´s videos of homegrown veggie gardens and free seed banks and local foraging, that by encouraging one another  to be able to grow their own food, or at least a significant portion of their own foods, they were taking some of their own personal sovereignty back from the corporate ¨overlords¨. By refusing to spend money on sugary processed junk foods, and learning to grow and forage for natural fresh foods, one can feel more truly welcome in one´s own land and connect more deeply to the earth. The vigorous health he seems to enjoy further promotes his teachings to levels of reasonable legitimacy.

Well, that concludes my sharing of 3 names of some of the most radical thinkers I am personally and currently aware of. I know that Wangari Maathai is no longer with us, but her books and organizations and ideals live on. Vandana Shiva is very much alive and one can find her speaking engagements and writings easily on the public web. Robin Greenfield is currently on a walking tour from Canada to somewhere in the USA and he has been making youtube videos about his somewhat spiritual quest.

My point is this. If you take the safe route and only read books and watch videos that are deemed ¨safe¨ or politically correct.... you are not necessarily going to find anything really interesting to study and sift through. I am not endorsing radical living for the sake of just being radical. I am, though, endorsing the pursuit of knowledge and learning, as the God of the bible, through our lord Jesus, endorses.

Jesus was not known for hating on scholars and those with higher learning. He did however, learn to have informed and healthy discussions on all the current social questions of His day. He demanded we be gracious. He demanded that we learn to forgive. He expects us to prepare ourselves for whatever is around the bend. He is wise. 
In all your truth. In all your walking, seek grace.

Peace, my friends, 

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Notes from the Peanut Gallery

When I was a child, I remember my Mom walking with me into the large public library that was in the next town over. Our town just wasn´t big enough at the time to have a big library... so Mom took the time to invest in us and the whole family by importing books from the library and taking us there to visit.

Somethings we can learn by hearing and somethings I learn by osmosis.  I learned to love libraries by the time I spent soaking it all in. The words on the pages have a multitude of tiny voices, that shout ¨come hither....we have much to talk to you about..¨ The clean couches and spotless floors were always inviting, sometimes imposing, but always a place I wanted to be.

We learned how to search for books, how to use the card catalogues housed in antique looking wooden cases. We began to understand the power of ¨alphabetical order¨ and the Dewey decimal system. We enjoyed watching the clerks use the clicking machines to officially log our ¨borrows¨. 
The city that the big library was in, also had a concert size grand piano in a small venue in the basement down a winding marble stair case. It became a place I would visit for recitals or Kiwanis festivals. I recall usually placing 3rd place in the piano. That mystical marble stair case was the stuff that dreams are made dress shoes made tapping sounds upon each step.

In middle age, there comes more time to just think and ponder one´s own life and the lives that came before it.
My late Mom was born in Holland, and immigrated to Canada with her siblings and parents when she was only 12 years old. My Mom struggled with adapting to the Canadian school system, although literature and creative writing became her passion...not because it was easy, but because it beckoned. I am sure that Mom wished that college or some other kind of higher learning had come at an earlier age, but when it did arrive, later in life , years after having 3 children, the victory was sweet. The lack of early formal higher education did not prevent my Mom from pursuing growth and knowledge, no matter the cost. Mom was willing to pay the price of time and effort and inconvenience. Mom spent good hard earned dollars on the books she learned to love. She never resented the financial cost of supporting the authors she valued.  A great book, was of equal or greater value than a great concert. Learning to recall her favourite authors´ names and their best book titles was part of that legacy. 

When Mom passed, we were able to bless those who attended the funeral, with a copy of book of poetry that Mom published. Perhaps that love for the written word and the creative process could be passed down to more folks than just her children and grandchildren.

Mom didn´t take education for granted. Books were life. A new book was more precious than the latest fashion or a fancy watch. 

I look back and am more deeply grateful for the time I was given at libraries. And it wasn´t even that I was dropped off there. Mom´s life epitomized a love for learning and a profound respect for those who carried knowledge. Learning was not limited to classrooms or sunday school. Learning was part of travelling and part of every day life.

Pretty much all the time, Mom was in a state of wonder and highly impressed by something someone else knew. Perhaps Mom didn´t realize how much was taught to us just by her choices, and actions and the environment that was curated in our home. It wasn´t perfect, but it was rich and colourful.

I was talking about the public library in our city some time ago, just to another regular member of my current city. The spaced out look on their face....and  non interested vibe I sensed took me aback. I had forgotten how little many adults really respect a great library system. I had forgotten how much we take ours for granted.

What we don´t celebrate diminishes. So, I will do my part to celebrate all things ¨library-ish¨. I will celebrate borrowing books with their new policy that cancelled late fees. I will celebrate how they do extra research for me, at no charge, to help find books I am seeking at other libraries across Ontario. They have fetched these interlibrary loaner books for me several times and without complaint regarding my plethora of interests and curious pursuits. I hope they know how much I am grateful. I try to give encouraging feedback when they send me surveys or invite my comments.
Public libraries in Ontario, and I would assume, all across Canada are funded by taxpayer money.  I am assuming that generous benefactors also play a large part in funding the luxuries I see across my region´s libraries. There seems to be no end to what they offer, the services they are willing to undertake to serve our towns and cities and the money that they are willing to invest to support these resources. And then there are the well educated staff that take care of and dispense these resources. Most of them are kind, and all of them are hard working.

If any of you who read my humble blog, are ever in a position to give a donation of money or books or more to your local public library, I hope you will do so. It may feel like a gift given in silence, solemn and un-exciting. But these gifts grow and develop a life of their own for years to come and generations to come.

For those of you, who may work at a library, or volunteer there, I want to send my sincere Canadian thank you. Thank you for the time and quiet earnest work that is done to keep things flowing smoothly. I do not take this access for granted and hope I never will.

Peace, my bookish friends.

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Write On ....

Tim Ferriss, Seth Godin, Tony Robbins, ....and so many others. From each one ( and countless others) I have gleaned something of value. The things I don´t agree with, or find offensive...I release back to where it came and do not absorb. My heart stays  in waiting mode to learn a new chunk of information or a new powerful principle.

It is rare to find someone to learn from with whom I find nothing that I disagree with.
Takes some courage to still go ahead and learn from someone when you realize that you don´t see eye to to eye on all matters.
Perhaps that is the result of passing age 50, we just learn how to get along with others, even when they don´t align with your personal values.

In church circles, it can become very tempting to surround one with those of the same denomination who tow precisely the same chorus line as you do.

But what is God´s will on this matter? Should we only learn from folks who are almost identical to ourselves?

I prefer to think of the verse...¨The earth is the Lord´s, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. Psalm 24:1 Kjv.

The spirit of that verse speaks to me of freedom....of acknowledging that everything and everyone belongs to God and therefore we, as Believers in Jesus, have access to all that belongs to Him.

God has used all kinds of people to bless me in life. I learn from all kinds of people and all kinds of books and all kinds of creators. I will continue to do so, as God allows.  I pray that I will live to a really ripe old age, so I can learn so much more! I want my brain stretched.

To  be really restrictive in who I am willing to learn from would be a mistake, in my humble opinion.  I realize  that many people consider it a great honour to teach another human being a new skill or piece of knowledge. They consider it flattering to slow down and teach someone who is eager to learn and listen.

Please friends, don´t draw your circles too tightly. You never know whom God may use to bring you to your next level in life. Truth is often stranger than fiction. Someone that you may least expect to be well learned or an expert in some field, may become a blessed mentor and teacher in your life. Someone who dresses oddly or who has an unusual hair style may have great knowledge in another area of life outside of fashion and appearances. 

Remember the late great Albert Einstein? He was often sporting a wild hair do and didn´t drive a car because he had bigger things to focus his brain power upon. If someone had negative opinions of people who don´t know how to drive and then happened to bump into Albert Einstein, they would have avoided mingling with Mr. Einstein and thus missed out on an opportunity to spend time with a legendary genius.
Try not, friends, to judge folks harshly based on their appearance. Learn to listen quietly and humbly to strangers. It may be that there is a genius who is closer to you than you think!

If  we have any kind of appetite for learning, we will find knowledge all around us. It is inevitable. Ask God to give you a humble heart to learn what is new and empowering. Ask God to help you quiet yourself more often, so that you will be in a position to absorb new information. Ask God to prepare you to accept the next mentor of ideas He is going to bring into your circle.

Learners listen. They lean in......quietly and respectfully.

Peace friends,

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

All Knowledge is Connected

Sometimes I like to bite off more than I can chew...But then again, sometimes I am surprised with something truly wonderful.

So, in a nutshell, my adventure this past few days has been my attempting to read some non fiction books about the Poincare Conjecture as well as the famous Russian mathematician by the name of Grigory Perelman who solved it.

Whenever I delve into something beyond my comfort zone, I never know what gem I may uncover. Therefore, in wading into the second book I had sourced about said subject matter, I was delighted to hear the author speak about a link to the Black-Scholes Model, which indicates a method for understanding and pricing option contracts.

Option trading is something I taught myself to do, some years ago. That kind of trading was something that I took considerable time and practice to comprehend. Therefore it was wonderfully comforting, when dipping my toe in this strange new mathematical world of Perelman´s that I recognized a familiar theory.

It has been said that when you master one subject, no matter what that subject is, that you will more easily understand and master other subjects. Therefore learning, in and of itself, can be quite empowering and liberating. Especially when we begin to notice the circular nature of knowledge. All knowledge is indeed connected.  When someone becomes an expert in one field of study or practice, he/she will then become more capable of excelling in other unrelated fields of study.

All that God has made in the universes and worlds we know, is governed by the same laws and strategies. When we understand one facet of this diamond of life, we get to understand more easily, other facets of that diamond.

So, Carla what are you trying to say to your friends who dare read your blog today? I am merely saying this. Don´t be afraid to read or study something that is completely foreign to you. Why? Because that study may one just surprise you by allowing you to link it in your mind with something that you have already mastered and fully understand. Then, you will have become a master of not only one fabulous field of study....but two.....and then three or four or 100.

One only need to study the current media friendly billionaire by the name Mr. Elon Musk. His accomplishments stretch from finance, and coding to Space travel and brain surgery. His imagination is unlimited. He has not governed his life with stodgy goals or restrictive fences. He truly lives as if all of life is ¨understandable¨ and ¨conquerable¨. He believes he can....and so he does.

Dream big.....step big and you will live even bigger, my friend.


Friday, October 11, 2024

Beware of "Tik Tok Brain

Some may say that we are simply becoming "fast learners" and able to process information at a faster pace. While that may be the case on a certain level, I have noticed that some of us, myself included, are developing a preference for info sources and reading material that move at the speed of light. Our brains are on visual crack.
Basically, any media that you can't swipe right away from seems a bit "old fashioned" and slow.

Now, I am not trying to slow down humanity. Ok, maybe just a bit. 
But I am noticing that I need to make an intentional effort to sit down and read normal paper bound books.
To sit and read a real book feels awkward and old school and cumbersome, especially when your mind is racing with fast flow media such as Twitter, youtube shorts or Tik Tok.

So, I discovered one way to slow down my brain is simply by reading one page aloud of a paper bound book. This allows more of my 5 senses to be involved in the reading... drawing my auditory  and tactile senses into the act of reading proactively instead of just visually. Just reading one page aloud  calms me down sufficiently to decide if I want to proceed with another page or another paragraph whether silently or on  "out loud" mode. (and yes, I do realize that reading aloud can really annoy room mates or family members :)

I am not going to say anything at all about which kind of book to read, as that is just not the point.
The point is that I would prefer that us humans remain capable of reading real books, real printed books. Even if these books become more expensive because the cost of paper has risen, that's ok.  i believe the process of holding a book, isolates you and your mind with access to the author of the book, without you having the distractions of other apps beeping or signalling for your attention. Paper bound books also have the wonderful option of having us humble readers the ability to write our own thoughts and annotations in the margins. 
Some folks hate to see hand written notes in a paper bound book. But I find it delightful for the most part. The reason being, that some authors become gloated with a sense of importance and have no ears for honest response. Therefore, sometimes the only reasonable outlet for voicing your objection to any author who strays too far from the good path, is a good note of objection in the side margins.

And what would a good post from Carla be without a hint of conspiracy? If all the books we read are only available "online", we are giving "the net" control over what we read and don't read. When we keep and curate a beautiful selection of real books for our homes or businesses or churches, we are protecting that treasure for the future generations. Keep them under lock and key. The last 5 years in North America have shown us a wave of strange censorship has sprung up across the continent. It does not bode well with me.
Treasure the books you have read that opened worlds for you and your mind. Speak of them, write of them and print them up if you can't buy a clean copy. Keep the originals safe under lock and key.

Well, that's all for now.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Professor Evelyn L. Forget Wrote a Book about Basic Income

I found a book at the library written by Professor Evelyn L. Forget  who teaches at the University of Manitoba. 

It is entitled "Basic Income for Canadians..... From the Covid-19 emergency to Financial Security for All" .

I thought it would be a good idea to feed my internal debate about the drawbacks and merits of a Universal Basic Income program being utilized in my beloved country. Is it possible? Would it be wise???

I finally meandered over to Chapter 9, which is titled "Can We Afford a Basic Income?"
I would like to quote the last sentence of the first paragraph verbatim 
" If governments are prepared to pay the interest on the debt, they can refinance it forever". 
And that was her thought process. Canada will just borrow and borrow and borrow and not worry about interest rates or debt repayment until we are forced to. She believes that, unlike a personal household, it is "normal" for governments to carry debt into infinity. 
And so ended my curiosity into Universal Basic Income. The perspective of the author on government debt was so deeply warped and unrealistic. It alarmed me further, when I noted that Professor Forget has actually been granted the status of 
"Officer of the Order of Canada"...which is a great honor.
What began as a gentle walk into the idealogy of U.B.I. and it's possible pros and cons, morphed into an unpleasant 
"drowning in debt" feeling, when the author began to discuss how such a "progressive" idea might be funded.

So, just to put things into perspective, I am not usually surprised by bureaucratic mumbo jumbo. But oy, the author declares that we have nothing to worry about, because we can just keep borrowing as a country to pay our citizens to exist. It must be noted that this book was published before the epic rise in Canada's interest rates that have choked ALL debt holders, including our own federal government.  Professor Evelyn Forget wrongly assumed that interest rates would stay low forever. Professor Forget wrote this book from the perspective that government debt is some kind of lame tame duck we can carry forever.

The national debt of Canada is a disgrace. It is a testament of a lack of wisdom and discipline. It is a picture of a man using a credit card that doesn't belong to him...running around spending billions. How did we as a country allow this to occur???Are we all asleep at the wheel?

According to my studies (i apologize for not having the proper citations for this paragraph)... the national debt of Canada has doubled since the reign of the Liberal government. Doubled! The number of government employees has increased by 20% over the past 9 years. More personnel...indicate a much heavier payroll for taxpayers to carry. 

I wonder if Professor Forget would take back some of these careless notions that she put forward in chapter 9. Debt is not a tame lame duck. Generations to come will have to come to terms with the damage done by undisciplined politicians and bureaucrats fed by emotion instead of common sense.

If you are curious as to what our current national debt here in Canada is take  a gander at    .
As of today Oct 5,2024, our national debt stands at 1.2 Trillion Canadian dollars.
Dear Lord. Help us face this. Notice that I say "we", not playing the blame game. We as a country are in this boat together. We are building the future of the country with every decision we make. We can fix it together if we choose to do so.

Dear God, help us as a country to not spend before we earn. Help our leaders to understand right from wrong and to learn how to steer our country well.
I thank you God for all the many blessings that are here, right now all across Canada. I thank you for the strength and resilience of Canadians from coast to coast. I thank you for the great intelligence and wisdom that exists in Canada. Help us create a wise path for our country for this generation and the generations to come, in Jesus' name. amen.

If you are looking for a thought provoking book, you may wish to read Professor Forget's book "Basic Income for Canadians". But be prepared to be startled by it's illusions.


Monday, September 23, 2024

Batteaux Park Food Forest

Batteaux Park Food Forest is one of 2 Free Fruit Forests that have been planted in Barrie, Ontario Canada.
The other one I have visited so far is located at Shear Park in Midtown Barrie.
The concept of Free Fruit Forests is a rather brand new idea that seems to be catching some good support in addition to the good vibes :)

It is reminiscent of the peace and interest in communal living in the 60Å› and 70´s. There will always be those who consider these kind of efforts to be wasteful or indulgent. But they are easy to ignore. 
Community supported Free Fruit Forests bring out the best in the community. They  are a teaching opportunity for local schools, so the children can make a tangible connection between the fruits and berries they can eat and the trees and berry bushes that they can touch with their own two hands. Seeing fruits that your mom or dad bought at the grocery store is not the same as an apple that you pulled off the tree yourself, or a gooseberry you hunted down and plucked from the bush.
No one can argue against the great health benefits of eating fruits and berries fresh from the tree, harvested at the peak of ripeness with your own two hands.
The only draw back that may be put forward is that there may be some in the community who take more than their fair share of the ripe fruits rather than leaving some on  the bushes and trees for others to enjoy.

I was happy to see that the trees in the Fruit Forest at Shear Park were plucked absolutely clean. Not one berry or apple or pear or plum to be seen. That´s a great thing. That is something to celebrate. Hungry folks are eating the abundant harvest. Humans are being fed. Hallelujah :)

On a side note, since I have had numerous opportunities to volunteer for church and public food programs, I want to give you a gentle word of encouragement. The need for food support is big right now. If you  have started a food bank or food suppport program and are overwhelmed with the amount of food that people are taking, please don´t stop what you are doing. Even if you need to cut back on the amount per family that your program is giving out, please don´t cancel the program because you are overwhelmed with food requests.
Food banks must be fed with the right spirit. A spirit of kindness and generosity. Food banks are not a work program. You can not force people to work for you to ¨earn¨ the right to access your food bank. Food banks are donation centers. 

Although it may be really frustrating if you feel like people do not appreciate the free food in a sincere way, please don´t stop giving. Why? Because somewhere somehow, in the midst of the shenanigans and the occasional dishonest user, there is a vulnerable senior citizen or a young child who is finally getting their belly fully of good quality food. Never let dishonest or scammy folks dissuade you from supporting a local food bank. If you are going to be involved in food charity, you will come into contact with those who will pretend to be poor just to take advantage of a free food source.  It doesn´t matter. Those who work in charity must develop a rather thick skin. Focus on the quality and availability of good quality food, to ensure it gets to those who need it most.

Are food banks the ¨end all and the be all¨ to end community hunger? By no means. But it is just one piece of a puzzle that deserves attention. 
Hungry people can not focus on getting a job, or taking good care of their children. Hungry people are ¨hangry¨  and irritable. The lack of protein and fats,  inhibits their ability to think calmly. They may find it difficult to focus and form a good plan. 

If you have the privilege of working in or at a food bank, you may want to also spend some small chunks of time praying for those that you meet. Pray for their peace of mind and pray that they will accept the food without shame or guilt. Pray for their families that God will help them to get over their temporary troubles in Jesus´ name.

Well friends, thanks for listening to me chat about free fruit forests and food banks. If you ever get the chance to plant a berry bush or fruit tree in a public location, I encourage you to go for it! 

There´s a great book ¨ The Man Who Planted Trees¨ by Jean Giono. It is a tiny book with a huge heart. What one man can do  who just starts planting trees transformative and inspiring.

It is along the same lines as the store of John Chapman, the man behind the story of ¨Johnny Appleseed¨.

Great stories build up good hearts. Take part friends in reading and repeating these great stories.

May God bless your adventures, big or small in tending to the earth whether gleaning parsely from a pot on your porch or planting a grant fruit forest in a public park.


Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Man Who Knew Infinity

This movie brings the winds of similar genius....although how can one compare genius?
I think of John Nash...( see the movie A Beautiful Mind)
I think of Grigori Perelman ( the Russian mathematician who solved the Poincare Conjecture)

There is a beautiful humility to all three of the above mentioned geniuses. Srinivasa Ramanujan is the young Indian mathematician that is the focus of the above featured film. 

They loved their work. They laboured at this work with a compelling passion that consumed their total concentration.

Have you found something that compels you with similar force?


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Did a Woman Write These?

 As a Man Thinketh by James Allen.

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles.

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.

The above 3 books have been and continue to be compelling reads. The authors of these books have been studied for decades and their books poured over in both written and audio formats.

But why, I did ask myself this week, why are most of these kind of books written by men? Are women not interested in the topic? No, they most certainly are interested in these topics and many women have become readers of these literary pieces.

Do any of you have any explanation as to why we, as the female side of society, not endeavored to put more of our own success strategies into black  and white? Is it that we are so secretive with our formulas that we just want to be selfish with whatever we have learned? Are so self centered that we can not share what we learn with other ladies and gents around the world?

I am going to keep this post ultra short. I just am seeking a reason for this. Do tell.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

the Cost of Capitalism?

Not sure how I wound up living in the era where capitalism needs a boost...but here i am and will happily do so.

With modern times of rapid technological advances, I know that not only are folks trying to ¨recreate the wheel¨ in almost every industry....but they are wondering if capitalism also needs some fine tuning.

In my occasional ponderings of economics I am still convinced that capitalism works.

 Capitalism, as I understand it, works for one simple allows some people.... win.

It is this process of watching the occasional person ¨win¨ that folks on the benches start squirming because they are no longer in control and jealousy begins to raise it´s ugly green head. Watching other people win, when we are struggling is hard... It´s painful.... and at the same time... it is the price of capitalism. We can not all win all the time, in a capitalistic society. But yes, we always have the OPPORTUNITY to win. We win only when we create and develop something that others have not thought of or discovered, or uncovered. We win when we make something that works well.....really really well. 

I like to think of the following example often. When a smart entrepreneur walks into a thrift store and spots an ancient painting that he believes was painted by one of the well known masters...he takes it quickly and pays for it quietly, being able to purchase it for only $19.99.
He doesn´t shout in the store, that he has discovered a masterpiece. He does not say anything to staff on his way out of the shop. No, he lays low and takes his new found treasure home. He unwraps it from the bag carefully and examines it closely, hunting for some sign that it is authentic and not a fake.

He does a search online for the painter´s works and sees if the painting he now owns is listed and where it was last sold. Finally, after completing his own due diligence, he brings the painting to a real art appraiser, to authenticate his hunch. He holds the painting every so cautiously as he rides the bus to the office of the appraiser.  The appraiser takes her time, her eyes widening as she inspects every aspect of the painting. The stunned appraiser finally asks the young man if he knows what he now possesses? The young man sits quietly nodding his head. The appraiser helps the man understand the true value of the painting to be over 2 million dollars. The young entrepreneur´s hands begin to shake and his heart begins pounding.

The young man pays the appraiser  with the last few dollars he has in his bank account.  He then goes home again on the bus, and then locates and reaches out to the nearest art auction house. Perhaps the auction house is a Sotheby´s. They agree to put the painting up for auction that very next weekend and the bidding wins the young man a solid 5 million dollar windfall. The tears pour down his face as he realizes his life will never be the same. He thanks God as he asks the auction house to transfer the money to his account.

The young man´s path has been radically altered because of his wisdom, keen eye and ability to take action. Who knows how many shoppers in that thrift store had walked by that painting and ignored it? Perhaps some shoppers even muttered to themselves that this painting reminded them of one they had seen at a museum. But their musings talked them out of taking action.

This is how we are going to protect capitalism for the next generations. We are not going to complain when we see people win. We can not tell the young man to give the thrift shop a portion of his winnings from the auction. We can not tell the young man to give his struggling next door neighbour a portion of his winnings. We can not tell the young man to pay for his sister´s college education.  We can not complain that we have ZERO control over what that young man is going to do with his new found wealth. It just isn´t fair.

Bingo. That´s the word I was looking for. FAIR. Capitalism is rarely fair. The fact that capitalism allows people to win is what keeps capitalism alive and compelling. Chasing the possibility of an unfairly oversized prize in life, is what keeps people creative and motivated. Winning is grand. Winning is often rare.

Governments also must resist the temptation to inordinately tax away the power of ¨unfair¨ huge winnings. Does a young tech wizard create a new app that he sells to a fortune 500 company for 2 billion dollars tempt the government to eat more than a reasonable chunk in capital gains tax? Do family members get to sue other family members when one sibling earns a big salary and the other one earns minimum wage?

My friends, we must get over our need to control each other´s wealth.  We must embrace the beauty of competition. We must embrace risk sometimes. The greatest innovations occur when individuals have autonomy over great wealth. They build new inventions, and sponsor schools and scholarships. They build hospitals or build better cars. They help to fight disease and fund charitable organizations that fight famines and floods.

Of course, we are all human. We would not be human if we didn´t flinch sometimes when we realize that modern capitalism is creating billionaires that can probably never outspend their wealth in one lifetime. But that does not give us or anyone who loves economic freedom the right to take capitalism away. Do not clip it´s wings. When we allow folks to win, including ourselves.....we give power to our dreams and to the dreams of the future, a future that only great gobs of money can profoundly develop.

So the next time you see a grand yacht floating dreamily down the Bay...thank God for the system that allowed that person to prosper, because next time it just might be your unique idea and relentless ambition that grants you and your family the ability to buy even more than one yacht. 

Wealth does not play favourites.

Your opportunity still exists. 


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

New Day

Not sure what is up....just some kind of shift occurring in the atmosphere. When these things occur, I know that God is up to something.

And when it is a God can reasonably expect that it is going to be a good thing.

I was wondering what I was sensing and then I watched a bit of news. The net explained some changes going on in my country of Canada. These are huge things.

I know that God is responding to the prayers of His people. And nothing gets in the way of the good Father responding to his Children.

Have you wanted something to occur that you know is God´s will for a long time? Have you longed to see evidence of God´s blessing and presence in your life? I believe that the gifts that God is beginning to pour out is not going to be constrained to just church people. I believe that we are going to see miracles occur on the sidewalks and in the shopping malls and in the factories and office buildings. I believe that people who have never shown any interest in religious activities are going to have real spiritual encounters that can not be faked or controlled by humans. I believe that heaven is going to overlap with earth at certain times, so that our joy and fulfillment will be great. There will be times when humans can step more easily from earth to heavenly places and back to earth again, without suffering further ado.

And if you have no idea what I am talking about....that´s ok....maybe the next post will be your cup of tea. Not everything I write is meant to be embraced by all. I kind of write in my own language sometimes...yes, still english...but definitely a genre of it´s own.

Thanks for listening friends, I value your time and attention. May this season of kindness from above bring rest to your soul.

john 3:16

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

3 Months is Ok

It took 3 long months to grow these from seed to blooming. 
it would be fair to say..
"Carla, that is simply too long to wait for a flower to bloom." Especially since our growing season here in Ontario is pretty brief. But some things i do i intend to be the slow boat. Not fast food...not 2 second fleeting blips on an app. 

Some things in life are intended to be a long walk on a pier barefoot and unrushed.

I received the Marigold seeds from a local free seed bank. Happy to see if they would grow. I love  the kind of seeds that one can just throw in a pot with no special soil and just watch them slowly form...little by little as God allows.
God knows we are in a rush. Social media has trained our brains for quick dopamine bursts as we swipe and scroll...
swipe and scroll..
swipe and scroll. is worth more than that. You are more than that.

The really good stuff is worth waiting for...cultvating and watching for.

Perhaps this is the pause you have been waiting for. Stop ....running...just for this moment. It is ok to be still. To work on something that may take weeks...months years or decades to complete.

My marigold seeds grew into tall green things with buds and finally burst into bloom. Not fancy like roses..

but full of colour. Most of these green creatures reached 2 to 3 feet in height . If i had bought the plants at a store they would not have grown so high. The "seedly" route was worth the wait and brought forth big strong tall stands of marigolds...with enough blooms that i can collect some to keep for seeds for next year.

Thanks God for your perfect ways..
for seed time and harvest...suns and sunsets.

We will wait on your timing for all things.


Saturday, August 17, 2024

So You´re An Introvert

Ya, sooo´re an introvert. You finally figured it out.

You like people, but only on your terms. You´re not a snob, you just measure your time with outsiders very cautiously.

You get overwhelmed when there are too many unknown variables in your social life.

Yes, perhaps you cut friends off
with little to no warning....frustrating said friends and making them sad.

Don´t are not alone. Even though you like your alone time.

It´s kinda refreshing when you stumble upon the right books or videos that discuss ¨being an Introvert¨ in great detail and with great passion.

Finally you find folks who can relate to your lifestyle. You may have just found your ¨áº—ribe¨.

The internet can be a really great place for those who consider themselves a sort of introvert. Why? Because online it´s much easier than  in a public place, to measure how much you wish to reveal about yourself and to cut back when you need more isolation.

Needing isolation? If that sounds strange that you definitely are NOT an introvert :)

You see, introverts thrive  in isolated environments and when they neglect to have that alone time to recharge and refresh, they can find themselves annoyed and irritable due to the unlimited social-ness of their day.

Introverts don´t hate people, they just need to measure out how and when and in what way ....they spend time with others.

An introvert may have a grand ole time playing in public when they are in a costume, but they may suffer excruciating embarrassment if they were expected to behave the same way in their normal attire.

Introverts are just shy. Shy and modest about showing their real selves to others without limits being in place.

If you have introverted friends, it may be helpful if and when you invite them to attend a party with you, that you agree on a set time for leaving said party. This will provide the introvert with a time limit for the public exposure and bring a sense of control in what can sometimes feel overwhelming to a typically introverted person.

Physical barriers are sometimes helpful for introverts. Fences and doors and shields and privacy screens are all helpful to those who are introverts. They may feel more courage to be friendly if they feel they are more safe in a fenced off area where only certain people are allowed in their zone. Why? Because as I mentioned before....introverted people LIKE people, they just need the environment and type of interaction to be preplanned and limited. Introverted people like CONTROLLED environments. That is why the internet is a good helper to the introverted populations around the world. They can still make friends with folks all over the world, but on their own terms and their own limits in place.

Well, folks, that´s all for now.
Whether you are an introvert or simply just have introverted people in your family, please don´t pressure them to not be who they are. They are introverted for a reason and they should be allowed to remain as God created them.

Listening to Waterfalls at the Rotary Islands

I wouldn't call it forest bathing. But definitely that chill vibe where you just sit quietly in nature...enjoying and absorbing the waterfall sounds and the scent of the lush plants and peaceful ducks resting by your feet. The key I would say, is just giving yourself enough time. 15 minutes is all it took for me to feel rested and connected.

Some folks get all scientific about it....saying that the ocean water has certain ionic qualities that help humans rejuvenate...but I really don't have the expertise on the sciencey part of it.

I just know that getting away to rest in nature restores my soul. God didn't make us to be trapped in front of a computer screen all day and then spend our free time on the couch watching a much bigger screen.

Sometimes it's important to actually experience in person the scent and feelings of being in nature.....of sitting on the ground and allowing a duck to waddle up to you and not be afraid.

The blessings were made for us.

Wishing you a good day Friends.

Peace be the journey.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Batteaux Park Food Forest

Batteaux Park Food Forest is located in Barrie Ontario Canada . It is only a couple years old. The apple trees with their labels still attached to the wee trunks are doing their best. 
Apples about the size of a toonie hang from the green limbs.

Those who feel drawn to permaculture will appreciate the effort that was made to plant and establish this food forest. Yay! Free food for all! 
Does your city or village  have parks or community gardens that provide free food for all?

I applaud the City of Barrie for investing in this ideal and allowing the volunteers to plant the saplings and edible landscaping. 


Saturday, July 13, 2024

Harvest Mullein Stalks and Make a Torch

This is the time of year you can harvest the dried standing stalks of mullein. I found these as seen in the photos in a local park growing happily in a mound of dirt that has been naturalizing for the past few years.
I once watched a youtube video by a lady who makes her own torches in this manner. By the way, she does seem to favour the ¨witchy¨ side of belief systems... so I apologize if the link causes offense. I am not aligned with witch type of stuff, but I thought it only right to give the proper credit to the lady who showed me how to make this in her youtube video)

For the record...I subscribe to the Christian teachings of the holy bible, with faith in Jesus as Lord.

I am a maker. I love to make things. So ...learning how to recognize local herbs and where and how they grow is a passion of mine. 
So far this year, I am growing the following:
kale, wild raspberries, chives, green beans, marigolds, and parsley. The irises grew extravagantly well this year and I transplanted some lilies that someone else didn´t want in their garden any more. Not sure if the lily will bloom this year, as it is taking some time to acclimate to our yard.

So my adventure will be to melt some candle wax and pour it onto the dry mullein stalks and then let the wax dry and see how they work as a summer night torch. I hope the flame will not be too high!

Hope you are having a good summer so far, if it is summer where you live. And if it is another type of weather season where you live, I pray that you are warm and well fed and protected from the elements.
Peace and joy,
P.S. New Update. I tried this ...and it worked wonderfully.
Yes the flames were quite high, so it is not something to do willy nilly and also the flaming piece broke off and fell onto the ground. But I did learn this wee tidbit of info....namely that dried mullein soaked with plain old white candle wax works great as a fire started. Perhaps if I don´t find a good spot to store these I might just break them up into pieces and seal them in mason jars or zip lok bags and keep them for the next time I try to start a fire in the chiminea.
I have watched prepper channels for years and rarely get to learn something new to add to my ¨preps¨ here today I officially learned a new way to start a fire with low cost items.
By the way, for those of you who want to know...I did keep a bottle of water near by when I tried this experiment to make sure that the flaming pieces did not start random fires where they did not belong.
It´s always a good idea to have some water handy when you are starting a backyard fire, just in case a random spark or blowing piece of paper spreads your fire.


Friday, July 12, 2024

Eating Gluten Free...Simple Simple Simple

 try to observe a gluten free lifestyle....sometimes more than other times.

Thankfully I am not a Celiac, so the times when I do indulge in gluten-ish foods does not turn into a life threatening emergency.

Anywho, the reason for my post today is simply to talk about things that can be really simple, when you feel overwhelmed with seeking out gluten free foods.

There are some basics that work pretty well....and they are not expensive here in Ontario Canada. 
And so, permit me to share them here.

Basic fruits, such as bananas and apples and carrots and potatoes. All of these are pretty low cost, except perhaps for apples, which can be cheap or expensive depending on the season and the type of apples you prefer. 
Getting into a habit of keeping simple things on hand, can really help you out in a jam....especially when you don´t have time to prepare some kind of ¨elaborate lengthy meal¨. 
I tend to gravitate to things that I can make in less than an hour, even less than 30 minutes if I can.

Just boiling potatoes and serving them with butter and pepper and salt is a grand treat in my gluten free world. Putting a ripe banana in my duffel bag is helpful when I am on the go....and even if I don´t consume it, It´s not going to be a hugely expensive loss if it winds up in my compost bin.

Carrots are good both raw and boiled. Raw and dipped in sour cream or boiled with whatever else I happen to be throwing in a stir fry. Ontario is quite carrot friendly, as our climate is actually good for growing carrots. So the local carrots harvest helps to keep the carrot pricing nice and low in our province.

Other simple gluten free foods that often are a ¨go-to" quick and easy gluten free food are small tins of tuna with the oil and/or seasonings already included in the tin. They have these wee ones which have a pull up tab that are  very convenient and don´t require a can opener. These kind of tuna tins are smaller size portions and work well on the go, as long as you can handle having tuna breath for a wee time out in public.

Eggs Eggs Eggs Oh My! Yes, the humble egg is a good friend of the gluten free crowds. Scrambled  with some salt and bit of cooking oil or butter or gluten free margarine, or prepped in fried form ....sunny side up or over-easy.....yum! A dozen eggs are under 5$ in my part of Ontario and we try to keep them stocked up in our home. Remember how I talked about liking things I can make in 30 minutes or less? Well eggs are perfect for quick gluten free meals at home. You can add some gluten free cheese or mushrooms or your fave chopped veggies to your egg concoctions and turn them into omelettes...Delicious!

Well, that´s all for now. There are more I can add to the list, but for today we shall be content with what I have already listed. 
Enjoy your gluten free lifestyle and keep your chin up. 
NOTE: this post is not intended as medical advice. This post is intended for entertainment purposes only. All medical advice should be obtained by a licensed medical provider.

Wishing you well in your gluten free journey.


Saturday, June 29, 2024

Cleaning a massively hoarded house for FREE!

If anyone has ever struggled with paralysis with regard to organizing or  tidying or cleaning a home or a business, these kind of youtube channels are fabulous....very cathartic and motivating.

The channel featured in this post is named Midwest Magic Cleaning. 
Another youtube channel that is highly helpful and motivating 
is a young mom who channel is named @nottheworstcleaner   .

Do you find channels like these helpful?
Looking forward to your comments.
Peace and productivity :)
Happy Canada Day Weekend to my Canadian friends!

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Evangelism ...Thinking Outside the Box

Hi Folks.

I know that not all of my readers are christians....but perhaps some of you may find this post helpful.

Have been thinking more about evangelism in this modern day world of ours.

I am thinking about evangelism in terms of simply giving more people access to the same church ministries and materials that I enjoy.
Do I enjoy sitting and listening, praying and singing in my church. You betcha! Can I give other people invitations to my church? Sure I can. I know they will be welcomed.

I see a lot of folks suffering needlessly in loneliness... when there are many churches awaiting to welcome them with dignity and respect.

I am not saying that each church will be your perfect match....but at least give churches a try and don't give up until you find one that you can call your own.

I personally do not feel like one needs to be an extrovert to do evangelism. In fact, I don't think you need to speak out loud at all, if that is not your personality.

I am simply talking about giving more people who live in your city, province or country, the same access to the same ministries and ministry tools that you have enjoyed for years.

You can send out invitations to your church. Your church can print up invitations and you can mail them out to the folks in your city. You can mail out bibles, or half bibles, or just one book of the bible, along with a welcome note to strangers in your community.

I personally don't feel shy about mailing preprinted invites to perfect strangers. And yes, it costs something, it costs the price of a stamp and  possibly an envelope if the invite is not in the format of a mailable post card. You can address it simply as "To Resident" or simply "To Welcome Your Household" and then print in the address. 

No need to bare your soul. No need to even share your name. You are simply trying to invite folks out to your church, so that they know where they are welcome.

Do you think it is reasonable to mail out bibles to strangers? Well, I shall leave that up to you. Yes, there is definitely more cost involved. The cost of the bible, as well as the cost of mailing out something that weighs more than a postcard. Is it too dramatic? Is it too imposing? I really don't know. 
But I do know that whenever  I have seen places that have given out bibles for free, that it really made an impression on me. It is an incredibly kind and generous thing, to give a perfect stranger a black and white copy of the real Word of God, including both the old and new testament. What a gift!

Just having access to the Word of God, for me to use in my personal life, and read aloud is a great blessing.

I have a feeling that sometimes folks are just nervous to walk in to a church because they are shy, not because they don't want to learn more about God. When you send a bible to a stranger, you may just be meeting them at their point of need, with a kind gesture of generosity. You really don't need to pressure people to be inordinately personable with you in response to your invitations of gifts of the holy bible.
There is no need for pressure at all! People will follow their hunger for God into your churches and into the Bible. It  is important for the modern church to be consistent in teaching the Word of God, so that the modern Christian Body of Believers can be fully developed and mature in His teachings.

It's about sharing, It's about giving people access to one of the greatest treasures of our time....a copy of the bible that they can call their own, and thumb through and underline and scribble in the margins.
Many of us have not become addicted to the bible apps on our computers or phones. Some of us prefer to get our hands on an actual copy of the bible for ourselves.

Reading an actual printed copy of the bible also helps folks practice their literacy outside of the habits of social media. It enhances literacy and communication skills.

Well that's all for now. I've chatted enough. I would love to hear your thoughts, if you wish to leave comments on my blog..
Have a peaceful sunday,

Monday, June 17, 2024

The things You wish you could Say to a Preacher

Hi Friends,
I sort of hope that no one reads this post. And then again....would it really be that bad if a preacher actually read it?

Ok, deep breath.... here goes.
Preachers, I just want to say that I thank you for all your hard work prayers and the time and effort you take to  create a church that I can attend in comfort and cleanliness.
But, would you graciously allow me to vent....just for today?

I just need you to understand something. Although I like preachers, I do not go to church because I like the preacher that is speaking. 
I go to church to hear about Jesus. I want to learn more of the Bible. I want to understand the deep connections that pious preachers of yesteryears...made to explain life based on in depth studies of the holy scriptures.
I want to hear you explain the different meanings of a chapter of the bible based on the original foreign language it was written in.
I want to hear you worship....not because I like the sound of your voice.....but because I want to join with you in singing praises to my God.....who is holy.
When I leave church, I want to feel like I have been in the presence of God. I want the echoes of that presence to cling to my that others can sense that glory. It isn´t my glory, .....its the holy glory of Heaven that pours upon His people when we take the time to worship Him.

And when I sit in church and watch the preacher intently, it is not because I like his appearance or clothing or the style of the I watch the preacher because I am looking for Jesus. I long to hear Him speak. I long to hear the voice of my Saviour who says to me ¨Come unto Me, all ye who are weary....and I will give you rest.¨

Admittedly, it must be quite trippy to be a pastor, to have so many humans listening to every word you utter. It must be quite challenging to stay grounded when your church takes off and grows into a juggernaut.

But in the midst of the growth and the fan fare and the need for bigger accountants and better ushers to manage the crowds....I find myself virtually alone in the sanctuary...feeling empty and unfilled.
I did not hear about Jesus today. I was not asked to read along in my bible I brought to the sunday service.
I heard about the pastor´s personal life from the pulpit today, whimsical and heartfelt stories of his life.
But that does not teach me anything about my Lord.

But how do I go on, without causing offence. I do not want to hurt the feelings of pastors who feel that they must preach from their personal experiences. How do I explain how hungry I am for the Word? How do I explain how the time is being squandered on humanistic experiences instead of sound teaching?

Please, Pastor, talk to me about Jesus. Worship Jesus on the pulpit, so I can join in.
Allow the speaking of tongues with interpretation, just like the early church did so many hundreds of years ago. Do not hate the prophetic.

Today the church was filled with fake smoke rolling across the stage. I couldn´t stop myself from coughing.
I am lonely for my Lord.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Canada Just SHOCKED The World With Terrifying New Law

Dear Friends,

I would not consider myself well versed in these matters and I admit that I don´t actually know much about this supposed law.
But I am particularly fond of freedom of speech.
Is Russell Brand correct in this video?
Is this new law actually as bad as this all sounds?
If you are Canadian, please do your due diligence and find out more about this issue.
We must do our part to protect our personal civil liberties in this beautiful country of ours.

Peace and beauty in Christ Jesus,

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Pandering to Likes and Follows

The thought rolling around in my head this morning is simply the
beautiful concept of "definiteness".
That whole wonderfully old fashioned idea 
of "letting your yes be yes and your no be no".

And yes, there is a scripture regarding that notion that can be found in Matthew 5:37.

I want to encourage you especially if you are a spouse or a parent.
Try to be stable in following through on the things you commit to with words.

Yes, this applies to friendships as well. When you offer your assistance to a friend, do your best to actually provide that service that you have offered in good faith.

We don't get points for "trying" or "just doing things when it is convenient....or when the sun is shining."

We earn the trust of our loved ones and friends when we do what we say we are going to do.
We become someone that folks can rely upon.

There is a beautiful result that comes about from this kind of stability too..... We come to trust ourselves too. We become someone that we can rely upon to take proper care of ourselves. We like the way we take care of ourselves. We become an example of what it means to respect ourselves and nurture ourselves.

And then, the beauty of noticing that our children are picking up some good habits from us.

This is not about getting likes and follows. This is not about building a following on social media.
This runs so much deeper and lasts so  much longer.

It's about character....about doing what we say we are going to do. About being a God pleaser instead of a people pleaser and becoming someone reliable, both to ourselves and those around us.

Let your yes, be a strong yes....and don't apologize for allowing your no to be a strong no.

Peace friends,