Saturday, October 15, 2022

Cheapskate Hack to Avoid Buying Expensive Jam for Sandwiches

I don´t know about you...but I find these ¨ extreme cheapskate¨ shows to be great entertainment. Most of the tips are not practical and pretty dangerous....but I have not lost my appetite for a great frugal life hack.

So here goes. If you have a big family...or a small family with BIG appetites, then you may sometimes wondered why even the discount grocery stores still charge a handsome dime for any kind of red jam.
By "red" jam, I mean any kind of jam such as strawberry, raspberry etc....

So, the other day when I was preparing the Canadian Thanksgiving turkey dinner and I opened the can of jellied cranberry jelly, I thought to myself....hmm....I wonder how this would do as a frugal substitute for jam on a peanut butter & jelly sandwich. And so, I tried out the jellied cranberry sauce in every way that I normally use raspberry jam....and was pleasantly surprised.

How does the taste compare? Well, jellied cranberry sauce has a tartness to it, which adds a bit of a kick to it...but it still has enough sweetness to  balance it out. The tartness makes it quite refreshing.

So....if one were to use canned jellied cranberry sauce as a raspberry jam substitute, you could store it in the fridge once you open it and put it into a seal-able glass jar, such as a mason jar with a tight lid.

That´s it. Pretty simple huh? I have not done enough experiments using this to know how long it would stay fresh when stored in a glass jar in a refrigerator, but I have enjoyed trying it out for the first time. Does this sound like something you could see yourself or a family member trying out in the future? Or would you file this idea under something you would do only if you ¨had¨ to?

Well, that´s all for now. Enjoy your days and frugal ways, and not so frugal ways. It´s all good.


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