Thursday, January 22, 2015

Keep Building the Mountain

Let's say you have a goal.....let's illustrate a few examples:

1/You are musically inclined and are going to master one special song and cut a demo CD for it with you and an accompanist.

2/ You have your eye on a certain investment that will cost X amount of dollars. You have done your research and you know the cost of it right to the penny.

3/ You've picked out the best knock-it-outta-the-park kinda outfit that you've always dreamed of wearing and know precisely where to buy it and precisely how much it will take for you to buy it without using debt.

Ok, so maybe you have a goal similar to one of the above.

Tonight I just wanted to talk about these "mountains"....these goals that let's just call them "mountains" for

You have your eye and heart set upon that top of the mountain. You have done your due dilligence and know exactly and precisely what it is going to take to get you to the top of this mountain.

But then, one day you realize that last week, you were able to cross 5 miles up that mountain path. You gained confidence, and you gained momentum. Then, all of a sudden, you discover that this week you can only take 5 measly steps up that mountain path. Your face is ashen and feel like giving up. It's isn't so much fun  when you don't feel that speedy sense of momentum quickening your step.

But hold on just a minute....what has moved? Has the mountain moved? Nope. Has your ability to scale the mountain changed? Nope, you still have the same talents and resources.

Ok, so calm down a bit now. The only thing that has changed is the PACE of your ascent. Breathe in deep..
Stay focused. Life is not static, like a pacemaker. There is not just one constant speed at which we climb.
There may be days and whole months where we make lightening fast progress and we begin to convince ourselves that the whole journey is going to be this quick and easy. But then we wake up another month and reality hits and we know that we were too hasty to make assumptions.

Progress still moves forward, but in different days and weeks and months it may operate at differing speeds. We need to allow ourselves that flexibility to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are NOT giving up on our goals, just because our progress may be slower once in a while.

I think of someone who is determined to get out of consumer debt, or all debt. THere may be days when he/she is able to make thousands of dollars to pay off those debts. But there may also come days or weeks or even months when he/she is only able to make a $5 payment to paying off those debts. That is the time to be sure to not permit discouragement or distraction to have full sway. Slow progress is STILL PROGRESS!

Keep making those calls. Keep taking those tiny or large or slow or quick steps forward towards you writen goal. It  WILL come to pass if you don't give up.

Peace forward productivity.

Add a Shot of Nutrition to Your Coffee Cup

Wanting to take care of your health and still have those cups o java?
Well, just by making one small change as to how to sweeten your fave cafe...
simply do this....use honey instead of sugar or sweetener.

Honey is pretty much a miracle food....containing all kinds in cool ingredients. Any internet search will provide for you a prolific list of it's healing properties.

So, no need to feel guilty over that steaming cup o coffee tomorrow morning....just sweeten it with raw honey and know you're doing your body good.

Note that due to some of honey's natural properties, it is not safe to feed honey to children under the age of  one year old.



Disclaimer: This post is intended for conversation use only and is not intended as medical advice. All medical advice should be obtained from a licensed medical professional.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Target Took His Toys and Went Home

Not trying to be disrespectful....but really? Giving up so soon?
Target might have given one of our more "Canadian market savvy" business consultants a crack at it before they decided to jump ship. Another million or two would have been nothing compared to the extravagant cost of leaving town.

Well, since I'm giving my two cents, I might as well add a few nickels in as well.

In my humble opinion, Target didn't understand how frugal and picky we Canucks are. We work hard for our money and refuse to overspend on purchasing items that we can buy elsewhere for half the cost.
I'm going to let y'all in on a little Canadian secret..... We Canadians really know how to LOOK like a million bucks, but  we actually have probably spent under a $100 to look that way. Huh? Ok, maybe I am exaggerating.....but the predominantly female Canadian shoppers that Target had in their sights, are a pretty feisty brood of bargain hunters. You can't put up a huge "discount" store and then NOT DELIVER the deep discounts that we were expecting. We were really looking forward to some juicy bargains, but no matter where we looked.....we couldn't find them at Target.. Actually that's not entirely true. I did buy a large beautiful thick towel for only $6 there.....but that was pretty much it. The clothing and accessories were of the same quality as a typical discount department store, but the prices were much too high.
Anyway, gotta run.

If it was in my realm of influence to get Target to stay in Canada and convince them to readjust their strategy....I really would've given them a second 'bout you?

Peace and wisdom.