Thursday, August 29, 2013

Dividend Mantra: Interview With Derek Foster, The "Idiot Millionair...

This is one blogger's interview with the Canuck investor Derek Foster. Enjoy!

Dividend Mantra: Interview With Derek Foster, The "Idiot Millionair...: While some of you may not have heard of Derek Foster before, he's fairly well known in Canadian circles as someone who escaped the r...

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Tim Hortons Now Carries Gluten Free Macaroons!

Woohoo! Fait Accompli! Not sure if I spelled that french needs a tuneup.

But I am delighted to let my blog-ees know that Tim Hortons in Ontario Canada has just begun as of the last few weeks ago, to carry GLUTEN FREE coconut macaroon cookies!
And the big bonus? Yes, they taste great. No seriously, I'm not lying... they do actually taste normal and delish!
If my memory serves correctly, the price was 1.49 for two in a sealed plastic pack.
So I want to send out my congrats to Timmies' for listening to us finally and adjusting their mindset to this most urgent quest for a gluten free lifestyle.
Praise God.