Showing posts with label free online M.I.T. classes.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label free online M.I.T. classes.. Show all posts

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Photons and the loss of determinism

May God bless those of you who have chosen to continue learning throughout your life....especially if you are way past your college or university years. I applaud you.
There are so many new options for these kind of self led learners.
As clipped above...this is any example of the free online classes that anyone with an internet connection can view for free. This past week, it also occurred to me to check to see if these classes have written transcripts and turns out they do!! So, now if I am struggling to spell something that I have heard in these classes, I can simply scroll down underneath the video and click on the transcript, find the corresponding words that connect with the timestamp I am listening to, and find the accurate spelling and wording.

Thank you M.I.T.
Thank you youtube!

Peacefully productive,

Don't ever talk yourself out of listening in on new things, things that you think are beyond your "ken".

Sunday, April 12, 2015

2. Experimental Facts of Life

If you are in the market for some brain stretching....take a chance and listen to a free class

offered by M.I.T  via their free course sharing venue called "Onlinecourseware"....

I am merely suggesting that sometimes it's wonderfully liberating and inspiring to listen to something that is completely outside of your usual frame of reference....

Take a giant step out of your comfort just might discover something very cool.

Peaceful productivity,
