I will have instructed more ladies how to trade online for income from the comfort of their home or at the park or wherever they happen to be. Why?
Because a woman should be able to create income from exactly where she is.
I want for any Mom at home with her kids to know confidently that yes, she can do this, and that not only is it possible to thrive as a trader, but to prosper extravagantly....not only to meet her own financial needs but the needs of her children as well.
I want to leave a legacy of empowerment for women all around the globe. I want every woman to know that this "trading/investing" livelihood is a viable option for women, young and old. There is no glass ceiling in trading ...I am happy to report.
Your only limits are your own capacity for seeking knowledge, gobbling it up, and retaining it ....and then using it in the real world. Focus is power. Accurate knowledge will feed your power.
It is not my style to tell anyone how to live or what they should do with their lives. It is simply my desire to embody and teach those chunks of knowledge, strategy and inspiration which have allowed me to prosper as a trader/investor. To show to others that women need not cower in ignorance or conformity to some antiquated idea of what it means to be a woman or a wife or a mother.
Be blessed, my friends, with what you are putting your hand to. May your choices coincide with God's will for your life and your family.