Showing posts with label ear gate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ear gate. Show all posts

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Harnessing your Atmospheric Memory

When I was probably 12 years old or somewhere around that age, I recall spending a youthful moment skipping rope in my driveway with a friend. i remember what I was wearing. I remember the feeling of the weather and the sound that the skipping rope made when it hit the driveway.

It's amazing the memory power that we humans have.
Sometimes we need to harness that innate memory power and put it to work to support our life goals.

For example, let's say you have a goal to accomplish in the field of science and it would really help you to be able to recall from memory the entire periodic table of the elements , complete with the atomic number, mass etc.  Well, you could find an audio recording of the periodic table somewhere online or perhaps create your own manual recording on your smart phone of the facts and figures that you are trying to commit to memory.

Then what you do, is put that audio recording onto a loop and listen to it, as background sound throughout your day whenever possible. With today's wireless headphones, it is virtually limitless as to when and where you can listen to audio recordings. By simple "mindless" repetition of the data you want to import into your brain, you are taking full advantage of  your atomospheric memory. You will learn without any effort on your part, other than the effort of the decision it takes to press "play" on your audio device. Yes, it may also take some time to find the right recording of the data that you are trying to impart to your brain, but that is part of the cool challenge. Hack your brain.....take that part  of you which doesn't want to learn anything new, and set it on "auto pilot mode' through simple auditory repetition. Try it and  see how well it works for you.

With this method, you will commit to memory large sums of knowledge. This is one way to overcome your "monkey brain" as Tim Ferriss calls it.
May God bless your life goals, and empower you to maximize your potential to learn in this season of your life, \Peace out,

PS. By the way, Youtube also has a function through which you can easily set a video onto a loop, so that you can listen over and over to the same video through your day. Apparently this tool doesn't work on a smart phone, but it does work on a laptop or PC. Simply go to the video that you want to set on a loop, and skip through any ads that appear...and then simply right click on your mouse and a menu that contains a few choices will appear on your screen. "Loop" will be in the drop down list. Simply click on it and voila, your video is now on a loop.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

What Value are your Ears?

Your ears are a gateway through which you are given feedback about your world. You get feedback almost non-stop from a billion different sources every day.

But what I wanted to mention to you today is about the kind of sounds that you have control over.

So many of us human beings spend an incredibly huge amount of time in front of tv's or other media streaming devices. Are you consciously choosing what u are watching? Why are you letting some media corporation decide what is going to enter your ear gate? Don't you know how very valuable your ear gate is?

If you want to be mediocre, then just keep floating along with what everyone else is listening to and watching. You don't want to accomplish anything significant now do you?

But, hey.... maybe you do want to accomplish something fresh and new. Maybe you have a competitive spirit and you want to win. Nothing wrong with good competition. Without competition, most of us would lapse into the status quo.

Ok, so you decide you don't want to become an average Jane or Joe Blow.
Then, it's going to become significantly crucial for you to gather sources of motivation and knowledge specific to your goals to feed into your ear gate.

Yes, you can control what you listen to. Your car commute time or your train ride or your bus ride or  sauntering walks can become a hallowed hall of profound self led education.

What I am talking about is about TAKING CONTROL of what you are listening to throughout your day. I am talking about hunting down some "high octane" audio books to listen to through your day.

You  can download them to your smart phone or listen to them on an old fashioned CD player. I am talking about getting downright aggressive about finding good  powerful stuff that is geared towards your goals. Non-fiction audio books. Real paper books. Valuable media that is going to help you move forward intelligently towards your written and spoken goals. Some of it you may find for free online or at your local college or public library. Some of it, you may have to pay some good money for. But every single time I have spent good money on a high quality audio book or paper book, it has always MORE than paid me back with good advice and information.  High quality media is worth every single penny!

By the are reading out your goals for this year aren't you? If you don't have a aren't likely to move toward anything of substance.

Successful people make a point out of seeking out high value resources with which to feed their decisions. Quality resources produce higher quality decisions.

Well, that's all for now. You are powerful. You are so intelligent. Stay focused on your goals and feed them with the right resources. It isn't really possible to turn your ears you might as well take advantage of your own powerful ear gate and steer the good stuff toward it.....every day....all day....all year.

Peace out,