Well, let it be said that this woman is not known for elegant comments. And so, after all these years, I have learned to just ignore ignorant comments and pursue whatever I wanna do....no matter what anyone says.
Life is too long and life is too short to really give a rip about what anyone says anyway. Do you agree?
And for the record, if I become old while still knitting the way I love to...then hallelujah...I will be a grateful camper.
And so, on that epic note, I bring to you my 3 hour slippers, which I knit without a pattern.
I don't know why I hate knitting patterns...Hmmmm....maybe it's for the same reason that I hate aerobics classes. I hate being told what to do by an instructor. I also hate being told what to do by a pattern. Lol....kinda amateur on my part...but I is what I is ")
I want to encourage those of you who, like me, have trouble following or even looking at a pattern. Just because you don't like knitting patterns, doesn't mean you shouldn't knit. You may be more creative than everyone else combined, simply because you want to do things your own way.....you prolly should!
Being creative and using what I have has allowed me to make things in a "logical" way as it pertains to my own style of doing things. I am not aiming for a pair of slippers to wear to the Met gala....I am aiming for something that fits my foot and doesn't cost too much to make. I want to be able to make it in a day or two...and I want the idea to be so simple and do-able that I could teach almost anyone on the spot to make them too. And so above, are the photos of my 3 hours slippers. Enjoy.
Just because you don't like maps, doesn't mean you hate driving. I love driving!
Just because you don't like aerobics classes doesn't mean you hate aerobics! I love dancing!
Just because you don't follow recipes,doesn't mean you can't cook! Got it? Good :)
Peace out,