Showing posts with label alkaline water effects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label alkaline water effects. Show all posts

Saturday, October 7, 2023

My Experience with Alkaline Water


Big Fat Disclaimer: This story is  my personal experience and is not to be used as medical or health advice. This blog post is intended for conversational and entertainment purposes only. Please seek medical advice from your licensed medical practicitioners. This blog and it´s publishers and author do not accept any liability for the ideas discussed in this post.

I had listend to an acquaintance rave about what he had experienced drinking alkaline water regularly. He even suggested that it helped his body fend off colds when he felt one approaching.

So I decided to try drinking more of it. And this is what I have experienced so far.
I do find that  it stimulates the digestion....and in layman´s terms basically makes you use the bathroom more easily. It brings about a clarity and calmness because you can feel that your system is being cleansed... from the inside out.

Did it do anything for my immune system? Well, I can say that while I have been consuming alkaline water regularly I do find that my body does it´s own ¨fighting¨ against whatever kind of germs or bactaeria may be trying to get me unwell. I have experienced that my body goes into detox mode while I am sleeping and sometimes I will awake in the middle of the night with an elevated temperature which goes away by the time I awake in the morning. I then feel better and more refreshed and no cold or flu symptoms stick around.

But is it fair to say that I do practice other health enhancing habits to keep me well at the same time as consuming alkaline water regularly? Yes, I do.

So, all things being considered, I don´t think i can scientifically prove that the alkaline water consumption is improving my immune system, but I would state that I can confirm that it definitely does improve my body´s ability to process digestion and provide a more easy and comfortable elimination of waste. 

I have heard of more than one person experiencing weight loss from drinking alkaline water regularly, but I can´t say that this has been the case for me as of yet.  

I am curious if you have had any experiene with alkaline water? Did you enjoy it´s effects on your body, digestion, and immune response? Did you notice any effect on weight gain or loss? Did it make you feel more peaceful and content?

Leave your thoughts and comments below. I appreciate your input.
