Sunday, May 28, 2023

Eat Common Chives Right from the Garden


Today I grabbed a handful of fresh chives right from the backyard and ate them raw....with no dressing or additives. Ahh....that to living.

I discovered that the kind of chives we grow here are called "common chives".

They are almost maintenance free and grow back every year. They seem to like it when I pull away the weeds and dump a wee bit of new dark rich soil to their space.

Up here in Northern Ontario, it can be a challenge to grow foods easily, unless you have a sunny location and great soil. Some things grow easily and somethings require more effort than I am willing to provide at this time in my life.

Wild raspberries are another favourite that grows easily in our rough climate. Our location's climate is usually about 5 degrees colder than Toronto, Ontario, Canada....(just in case you are new to my blog and don't know I am Canadian eh.)

If you are thinking about planting some low maintenance food supply type of plants, I think that the common chive is a good option. It doesn't provide a lot of calories, but they freeze up well in a simply zippy bag....and you can throw them easily into your fave soup or stew or salad. I love plants that don't require fancy fertilizer or any special spot. They like to have their own space, free of weeds and they don't need much more than one square foot of space to produce a healthy patch. 

If you would like to learn from the Farmer's almanac, here's their link :

Happy Growing Season, my friends.


Saturday, May 27, 2023

Lecture 21: Periodic Lattices Part 2

Lecture 21Periodic Lattices Part 2
brought to youtube by M.I.T's online courseware
Professor is Allan Adams
For more information about this professor

I can not exaggerate the significance of what M.I.T's online courseware has given to the world. And by using the word "world" I believe I am being quite accurate. Classes such as the one pasted above are an excellent example of why "free" does not always coincide with "low quality".

M.I.T's OCW program is provided for free on youtube, which is also totally free to access to anyone with internet access and enough of a highspeed that they can watch  a youtube video without it pausing or glitching too often :)

I thank God for this access. And the more I look, I see that other Ivy League schools of higher learning are following this excellent example of providing free access for any human being to be able to virtually sit in on these university classes.

Do you value knowledge? Do you value your time? Increasing knowledge is a valuable expenditure of time. Do you agree?

An extra benefit of these classes is simply the mystical notion of "blessing by community"...or in other words...."the blessing of association". When you associate with those of great accomplishment and knowledge, (even if it is done virtually through your computer, laptop or phone) you are building up your level. When you respect knowledge.....more knowledge is attracted to you. You may even start to carry yourself differently. You may start to feel more qualified to enter into different kind of conversations with your colleagues or neighbors or those in the community....far or near. You will no longer be attracted to those who simply waste time.

What we value flashes through our eyes. Our gaze indicates what we are looking for. Our gaze leads us into greater knowledge and wisdom....or away from it.

If you are blessed with a high speed internet connection.....use it to fill your life with good things. Good connections, good mentors (yes, you can be mentored by those whom you have never personally met).....good examples, all will feed your life with the spirit of knowledge and truth and productivity.

Enjoy Friends,


Saturday, May 20, 2023

How to Avoid Burnout when Learning from Ivy League Schools

What are some of the ways you manage your work load when embarking into Ivy League Schools for online classes?

One way I use, is simply by looking at the limits of what is available. Instead of thinking "Oh wow, I have to learn everything there is to know about Quantum Physics". I look at the course that I have chosen to audit and I count the classes....

In the above course (sampled above ) there are only 24 lectures.  So if I listened to one lecture per week (repeatedly if desired) 
Then it would take me just under 6 months to complete my audit of this Quantum physics Course from M.I.T. That is a whole lot more manageable than feeling or thinking that the class is going to last forever.

Another strategy is simply by taking advantage of every feasible opportunity to listen to your online class. Do you walk a ways to the mail box to get your mail? Plug in your earphones, download or stream your class to your phone and listen while you walk to the mailbox. 

Do you have a long commute to work? If you can safely drive while listening to a class, then enjoy your audio download while you are driving to work. Or if you take public transport, then try to download or stream your class onto whatever format that is portable for you. I don't care if you think you look nerdy for wearing earphones while sitting on the bus or the subway. I don't care if your headphones don't match your purse or if they are bigger than just doesn't matter when it comes to completing your goal. Set your self led learning goal and CRUSH IT!

When you make a choice to value your own "self led educational journey" you are going to discover the power of your own choices. The power you have to make a simple decision to continue learning matter what age you are at.

Don't misunderstand me, I am not talking about "learning" just for the sake of preventing boredom in life.... No! I am talking about understanding that you can continue your learning journey well beyond your traditional school age years.....and that the knowledge you gain may just transform your life and career and investing path.

I believe it was the late apologist Ravi Zacharias who taught that there is "Unity in Diversity"....and that this is the root of the word "University".  I have gleaned from this idea and from my experiences in life, to understand and appreciate that when we build knowledge in one area of life, it also empowers and uplifts our knowledge base in other arenas of life. Why is this so? Because all knowledge is connected.

Well friends, that is all for now. I have much to do, and at the same time, much rest to enjoy. 
