Sunday, April 5, 2020

Are our Civil Liberties At Risk?

I thought I was one of the only ones worried about losing liberty....but apparently I am not alone.

Folks across Canada are wondering if the different levels of government, municipal, provincial or federal are crossing any lines that should never be crossed in a democratic beautiful country such as Canada.

Yes, there is a virus. Yes, much about it is still unknown. However, the learning curve is flattening and as time goes on, the medical profession should have a much better understanding how to best fight the spread and symptoms of this virus, without hurting our national economic machine and our personal liberty.

But in the mean time, what do we do if we feel certain government mandates are going too far?

Is it constitutional for a country to prevent adults from going to work to provide for their family?

And if it is constitutionally "ok" to temporarily restrict work places and individuals from functioning in a "normal" long is "long enough"??? Remember that once you allow certain governmental powers to control your every have opened the door to this kind of power usage to becoming accepted as "normal"....THEN it becomes harder over time to label it as fascist or illegal.

Be not afraid....the legal profession and the watchdog organizations are on high alert. If we feel that there is "abuse of power" or "overreach"....there will be a reckoning. Don't allow your democratically elected officials run willy nilly with your civil liberty....they work for you.                                   THEY are ACCOUNTABLE to you!  All levels of government must respect the laws of our land that men and women fought hard to uphold in peace and war time. We are not going to allow a virus to destroy our precious rights and freedoms.

I stumbled across this article from March in the Globe and Mail. I am sure you can find even more current blurbs along the same lines...but here  it is

Yes, trust God, but don't let down your guard when it comes to your individual human rights. Take notes about this time period. If you feel that your rights are being trampled....take as many notes and record your thoughts about what has occurred for you and your family personally. If you feel that your workplace has been unfairly shuttered, write it all down, complete with details of the shut down you are experiencing and even note potential credible witnesses who can verify your story. You may at some point want to seek legal advice.

Why? Because we are still a democratic country that is ruled by law. The politicians and "experts" that are calling the shots right now in my province of Ontario and the whole nation must abide by Canadian and provincial law as well as our Constitution.

If there are some areas of civil liberty that you don't feel that you know enough about, feel free to contact a lawyer or law professor from a local college or university who can advise you further as to whether what we are experiencing right now is appropriate or an abuse of governmental authority.

And yes, for the record, I am not really taking pleasure in being a **it disturber....but rather, I am adamant about upholding our democracy and my individual human rights. I love my country. Personal liberty is an ideal that I hold close to my heart. Do you?

Peace....but keeping my eyes open,


Saturday, April 4, 2020

I Would Trust Them More if They DID THIS

yes, yes, I was ranting a bit yesterday....but hey's my blog and I can rant if I want to.

So, today is a new day and I am still processing this new "reality" that is afoot in my beloved country.

Is capitalism going to die in Ontario for the next 18 months?

Are all kids in Ontario going to learn online for the next 18 months?

Are all government and health care workers going to get paid even if the institutions they work for are shut down for the same 18 months?

I notice that most, if not all Ontario local parks and national parks are closing. Are all those parks and rec employees going to be paid while the parks are shut down?

Is the government going to turn all these fine hard working Ontarians into               "government handout beggars"?

The conclusion I came to yesterday, is that I would profoundly trust the politicians and health "experts" who are shutting down workers and businesses in this province if they Offered to do this one thing....WHAT ONE THING?  If they offered to go without out pay until every single business was allowed to reopen in Ontario. Why? Because only then would they begin to feel the same sense of dread that the rest of Ontarians feel when faced with this wacky provincial shut down that is being forced upon us.

Yes, that is ALL that it would take to even out the playing field. You wanna shut down capitalism in Ontario for the next 18 months?? Well, go right ahead, BUT then you must surrender your government and/or health "expert" paychque until we as a whole province re-open for business.

You politicians and health "experts" can live off your investments and savings or wind up accepting government handouts in the same manner that you are telling the rest of Ontario to do.

The CERB pays 2000 cdn dollars per month to those who lost their employment due to the virus.
 That money is not a gift. It is an apology.

Why do people apologize? Because they know that they are doing something that is going to hurt....a lot of people.


Monday, March 30, 2020

Another Word on Garlic

Those who are wary of garlic will for sure not even bother to continue to investigate it's properties and heroic powers. But those who find it's simplicity and strength compelling....please do read on.

Today I was reading once again from Stephen Fulder PhD's and John Blackwood's book entitled
"Garlic.... Nature's Original Remedy".

Specifically I am going to quote directly word for word from Pg 30 the first paragraph:

"Yet, if one examines them carefully, a pattern does emerge. Firstly, garlic helps digestion and elimination. Edema and swellings are caused by poor functioning of the kidneys, or by poor blood circulation, which garlic also helps ("it clears the arteries"). It acts against various kinds of inflammations and infections, including ciughs, respiratory problems, and even tuberculosis ("spitting of blood or pus"). It is an anti-toxin for poisonous bites and stings and it kills internal parasites. It gives energy; we have already seen that the Greeks and Romans regarded it as a general tonic. "

Soooo... there you have my friends and colleagues. Written from the lips of a doctor.

I highly recommend his little book "Garlic.... Nature's Original Remedy"    so that you can explore the different thoughts the two authors have and all the vast research they divulge in such a tiny book.

As I've mentioned before, it was easy to order online....just google it.
Kind Regards,