Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Access is Everything

One of the reasons I started this blog so many years ago, was simply because I was struck by the incredible power of access. Huh? What ya talkin' 'bout? Well, let me put it this way.
If you have been facing a roadblock in your career, it just may be an issue of access.

You see, relationships bring about access to new realms of influence and information and networking. And of course most of us know that having the best and most accurate information is absolutely essential. "Knowledge is power" as they say....

But what if you just don't know anybody? What if you are isolated and not mingling with anyone in your field of interest? Well, there's no time like the present. Figure out where your ideal network of colleagues hangs out, and go there. Is it really that simple? actually is.

When you get there, make sure you know why you are there. Don't just hang out without a purpose.
Successful people always value the imminent power of time. Career minded individuals count their time as more valuable than gold. And no, this doesn't make them cocky, it just makes them efficient and effective. They won't let you into their inner circle if you don't value their time.

Show a little humility. Yes, that "h" word. Folks seem to squirm when I use it. But there is much to be said about the power of a humble heart. By "humble" I merely mean, that you have to have a demeanor that shows that you realize you need what someone else has in order to move ahead. Don't act like you don't need anybody. Don't act like you've got it made in the shade....or no one will spend any time at all with you.
Act like you know what you want, but that you are willing to do as advised to get where you want to be.
Stay teachable. Stay reachable. Keep your cell phone on, even if it's with your last dollar. If folks can't find you, they can't connect you to their network of contacts and colleagues. Access is Everything.

So, in summary, if you feel like you're facing an impenetrable grey brick wall and you don't see any way through it nor over just might be time to meet and greet someone with greater access. Meeting the right person at the right time, may pluck you out of obscurity into the limelight where those walls no longer exist.

Peace and prosperity.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

School of Discipleship - One Year to a Radical Life

School of Discipleship - One Year to a Radical Life

Have a year to spare? and aged under 28? Have a love for Jesus that wants to grow?

Maybe it would bless you to check out the School of Discipleship that is hosted by Gospel for Asia ministries.

If you have never heard of Gospel for Asia, it is a group of committed christians who are reaching those who don't know Jesus in Asia. Their approach is refreshingly simple. Their approach to fund raising raises the bar of integrity in standards of  modesty and transparency. They make sure that the funds go 100% to the causes that you have directed your funds toward. They also have a "no frills" flavor to their ministry which is so wonderful.

Folks are tired of giving to ministries that use the funds to live lavishly.

Gospel for Asia missionaries are well prepared to live modestly and on an equal par with the people to whom they are ministering. They ride bikes from village to village and wear the clothing of the local culture.

I am delighted to learn more about Gospel for Asia as time goes on.

Peace in Christ.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Dream - Gospel for Asia

Are you interested in missions but just can't go?

I encourage you to take the time to listen to K.P. Yohannan's work in India.

His ministry is also very generous in that they will send you a great book to read ABSOLUTELY Free!

K.P.'s life story is very compelling. His ministry to the people of  India is filled with love and devotion to Christ. He teaches his workers to not be afraid of personal sacrifice, and he leads by example.

The link below will lead you to his website where you can watch a video about his work.

Peace and God bless.

The Dream - Gospel for Asia

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Dallas Stands with Israel Rally

I stand with Israel. God's promises to His Jewish People will stand forever, for God can not lie.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.


Thursday, July 31, 2014

Top 10 tips to learn a language

Matthew Youlden speaks 9 languages fluently and has developed several excellent tips to help us understand how to focus on a new language, and how not to give up too soon before reaching fluency.

Let me know what you think of this article written about Matthew Youlden.

Peace and knowledge.
To read the article click here---- Top 10 tips to learn a language

Monday, July 21, 2014

One Person One Tree -- As Wangari Maathai Would Say

I've been getting thoughtful again, rereading and re-reading again the literary works of the late
environmentalist and human rights activist Wangari Maathai.

Have you read any of her books? Some of her most well known titles are:

Unbowed: A Memoir
The Challenge for Africa
Replenishing the Earth

I continue to be humbled...literally to the ground when I spend any significant amount of time studying the writings of this legendary figure.

Her good will towards mankind seemed to know no bounds. Her willingness of sacrifice and
give up a life of leisure indicated her commitment to protecting the environment and helping bring empowerment to impoverished women across the world, starting in her own native country of Kenya.

One of Wangari's statements was her aim to have  one tree planted in Kenya for each person of the population....hence the mission statement arose from her writings: One Person One Tree.

I believe it is not an impossible mission, but rather something that is quite practical and do-able.

I live in Canada. I love my Country and all of it's incredible natural resources. We pride ourselves  here in Ontario, in the many green belts of prime agricultural land that lies across our province. We savor the ripe fruits and local vegetables that grace our tables.

However, the idea of planting just one tree to represent our existence in this land of plenty is a nouveau thought.

It will take some effort to accomplish this task. If you are a landowner then it will not be too difficult to accomplish this goal. Simply find out from your municipality where you are allowed to dig and plant trees, so as to avoid hitting any buried gas or other utilities underground. Then locate a tree nursery and buy and then plant one precious healthy seedling into healthy rich dark soil. Give the new seedling plenty of water especially for the first 30-60 days until it gets the chance to establish it's roots into it's new home of soil.

Then enjoy and watch the tree continue to grow and blossom and eventually become large enough to house a local bird family, the occasional squirrel and become shade for man and beast.

What do you think of Wangari's mission? Is One tree planted per person a possibility in your  country?
Is it something that you can see yourself doing?

Looking forward to reading your comments and discussion in the section below.


Saturday, July 12, 2014

Demanding a Refill - Gospel for Asia

It never stops amazing me, the power of the love of Jesus to transform and heal brokenness.

If you are in the mood for an inspiring story, read this Gospel for Asia's story about a family broken by alcohol addiction and how one faithful missionary filled with the love of Christ, brought about a complete change in direction.

Demanding a Refill - Gospel for Asia