Tuesday, September 11, 2012

George Washington Carver

"You have shown me the one race, the human race. Color of skin, or form of hair mean nothing to me now, but length, and width, and bredth (sic) of soul and loving kindness mean everything"
Quote obtained from Page 214 of book entitled George Washington Carver-Scientist and Symbol written by
Linda O. McMurray.

The above quote was written by one of the young men that George Washington Carver mentored.
Carver lived at a testy time in US history....when opportunity and prejudice both abounded. When discovery and ingenuity were paramount to financially survive.

I sense from these books about  Professor Carver, that he understood that he had to rise above the hostile feelings of others towards him, and focus on what he was good at,...namely discovering creative products from everyday agricultural items and from the earth.

Carver's focus was on helping the poor sharecroppers take advantage of inexpensive seed crops and use them to promote their own economic well being. He promoted better nutrition through advising poor farming families how to take advantage of good sources of protein that were less expensive than meat.

I glean great encouragement from reading about George Washington Carver, because he chose to help people where they were at. He saw people in their poverty and didn't admonish them, but rather helped them to see the opportunity right in front of them. He helped them provide better meals for their families without incurring more expense.
There is something to be said for a motivational speaker who accepts people right where they are at.
The world is full of people who want to change you into something bigger or richer. But the humble professor Carver, addressed people right in the midst of their humble circumstances and gave them simple ways to improve their health and their economic well being.
May we be less eager to renovate the lives of others and more willing to start with simple small steps of improvement of our own.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Gluten Free Survival Skills

Hey Gluten Intolerants and Celiacs,

Let's Talk! Just wondering out of those who read my blog who are gluten intolerant or completely diagnosed as "celiac", I would like to know how it is going for you. How do you survive?
How do you handle snack time at work? Where do you go for snacks? Where do you go for
fast food or nice dinners without having to handle awkward questions about why you can't eat 
the fresh baked bread set out on your table?

Do you survive on scrambled eggs and apple sauce? Have you stopped going out to some social events because you are tired of explaining your gluten intolerance?
What are the best gluten free survival tips that have helped you enjoy life again?
I would love to hear your input, feelings and best gluten free survival tips in the comments!
Let's publish some great helps, k?

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Montreal Gluten Free

New Gluten Free Restaurant/ Store in Quebec...
Check out the blog which features a post about this
new gluten free venue.
\Bon Appetit!!!


Toronto Celiac

Thursday, August 23, 2012

the spoken Word brings joy

Hi Bloggees. How are you all today? Thank you for all your comments. They are helpful and will
assuredly help someone else in formulating accurate information that they can apply to their lives.

It came to my attention again this week, that there is incredible power in the spoken word of God.
Now for those readers who don't know what the "word of God' is,
I refer to it as the Holy Bible. The holy Bible, from Genesis to Revelations is the most powerful book I have ever owned. If you right now possess a copy of the bible, I want you to know that you are truly blessed and fortunate.
Many humans all across the globe would benefit greatly from having their own copy of God's word, but they must rely on the scriptures that they hear spoken by other christians on the tv, radio, computer or in church.
Some Christians must stay in hiding and worship secretly in homes and basements. There are christians right now praying for strength to forbear the pressure they feel from people in their lives to push them to renounce Jesus.
I pray that you will indeed have the strength to say it proudly that you love Jesus, that He is Lord.

For those of you who have access to a written bible, I would encourage you to read it aloud on a regular basis. You see, the spoken Word of God has miracle working power in it. It will reawaken you from the inside out and begin to change the atmosphere in your home, car, apartment, or workplace. Anywhere you read the bible aloud, will begin to impacted by the burst of God's power that is activated by you vocalizing God's Word aloud.
Maybe right now you are tired and struggling through the day, I want you to know that you can just start reading the Psalms in the bible and God's power will start to break through to you today.
Don't rush it. You can read very slowly. You don't have to yell. You don't have to raise your voice at all.
But I want to know most assuredly that the time you spend reading God's book aloud is time very well spent. I believe also that the angels that are unseen turn their ears towards you when they hear the voice of God's word spoken from your lips and that they gather round to hear again those wonderful words of truth.
Take advantage of that bible you have. Take full advantage of it's every word.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Gluten Free at Taco Bell

Ok, by popular demand, here's a post about gluten free foods at Taco Bell.
According to their website
see for yourself:   http://www.tacobell.ca/#Nutrition
You can click on the DOWNLOAD button on their allergen listing and receive the list at no charge.
You will note that ALL but one of their foods contain gluten. It appears from the above noted webpage that their only menu item that does not contain gluten is their nachos and cheese dish.
This does NOT include their Nacho supreme dish which DOES contain gluten.

Therefore think twice about what you are ordering if you are sensitive to gluten or completely allergic to gluten. Read the fine print and up to date notices on the above noted website.
Ingredients in restaurant foods can change over time, and companies should, in good faith, update their websites frequently to accurately reflect the presence or absence of gluten in their product menu.

Be well, sisters and brothers in the Lord. Remember to seek out professional medical advice ONLY from licensed medical professionals.
Best in Christ,