Monday, September 23, 2024

Batteaux Park Food Forest

Batteaux Park Food Forest is one of 2 Free Fruit Forests that have been planted in Barrie, Ontario Canada.
The other one I have visited so far is located at Shear Park in Midtown Barrie.
The concept of Free Fruit Forests is a rather brand new idea that seems to be catching some good support in addition to the good vibes :)

It is reminiscent of the peace and interest in communal living in the 60ś and 70´s. There will always be those who consider these kind of efforts to be wasteful or indulgent. But they are easy to ignore. 
Community supported Free Fruit Forests bring out the best in the community. They  are a teaching opportunity for local schools, so the children can make a tangible connection between the fruits and berries they can eat and the trees and berry bushes that they can touch with their own two hands. Seeing fruits that your mom or dad bought at the grocery store is not the same as an apple that you pulled off the tree yourself, or a gooseberry you hunted down and plucked from the bush.
No one can argue against the great health benefits of eating fruits and berries fresh from the tree, harvested at the peak of ripeness with your own two hands.
The only draw back that may be put forward is that there may be some in the community who take more than their fair share of the ripe fruits rather than leaving some on  the bushes and trees for others to enjoy.

I was happy to see that the trees in the Fruit Forest at Shear Park were plucked absolutely clean. Not one berry or apple or pear or plum to be seen. That´s a great thing. That is something to celebrate. Hungry folks are eating the abundant harvest. Humans are being fed. Hallelujah :)

On a side note, since I have had numerous opportunities to volunteer for church and public food programs, I want to give you a gentle word of encouragement. The need for food support is big right now. If you  have started a food bank or food suppport program and are overwhelmed with the amount of food that people are taking, please don´t stop what you are doing. Even if you need to cut back on the amount per family that your program is giving out, please don´t cancel the program because you are overwhelmed with food requests.
Food banks must be fed with the right spirit. A spirit of kindness and generosity. Food banks are not a work program. You can not force people to work for you to ¨earn¨ the right to access your food bank. Food banks are donation centers. 

Although it may be really frustrating if you feel like people do not appreciate the free food in a sincere way, please don´t stop giving. Why? Because somewhere somehow, in the midst of the shenanigans and the occasional dishonest user, there is a vulnerable senior citizen or a young child who is finally getting their belly fully of good quality food. Never let dishonest or scammy folks dissuade you from supporting a local food bank. If you are going to be involved in food charity, you will come into contact with those who will pretend to be poor just to take advantage of a free food source.  It doesn´t matter. Those who work in charity must develop a rather thick skin. Focus on the quality and availability of good quality food, to ensure it gets to those who need it most.

Are food banks the ¨end all and the be all¨ to end community hunger? By no means. But it is just one piece of a puzzle that deserves attention. 
Hungry people can not focus on getting a job, or taking good care of their children. Hungry people are ¨hangry¨  and irritable. The lack of protein and fats,  inhibits their ability to think calmly. They may find it difficult to focus and form a good plan. 

If you have the privilege of working in or at a food bank, you may want to also spend some small chunks of time praying for those that you meet. Pray for their peace of mind and pray that they will accept the food without shame or guilt. Pray for their families that God will help them to get over their temporary troubles in Jesus´ name.

Well friends, thanks for listening to me chat about free fruit forests and food banks. If you ever get the chance to plant a berry bush or fruit tree in a public location, I encourage you to go for it! 

There´s a great book ¨ The Man Who Planted Trees¨ by Jean Giono. It is a tiny book with a huge heart. What one man can do  who just starts planting trees transformative and inspiring.

It is along the same lines as the store of John Chapman, the man behind the story of ¨Johnny Appleseed¨.

Great stories build up good hearts. Take part friends in reading and repeating these great stories.

May God bless your adventures, big or small in tending to the earth whether gleaning parsely from a pot on your porch or planting a grant fruit forest in a public park.


Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Man Who Knew Infinity

This movie brings the winds of similar genius....although how can one compare genius?
I think of John Nash...( see the movie A Beautiful Mind)
I think of Grigori Perelman ( the Russian mathematician who solved the Poincare Conjecture)

There is a beautiful humility to all three of the above mentioned geniuses. Srinivasa Ramanujan is the young Indian mathematician that is the focus of the above featured film. 

They loved their work. They laboured at this work with a compelling passion that consumed their total concentration.

Have you found something that compels you with similar force?


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Did a Woman Write These?

 As a Man Thinketh by James Allen.

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles.

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.

The above 3 books have been and continue to be compelling reads. The authors of these books have been studied for decades and their books poured over in both written and audio formats.

But why, I did ask myself this week, why are most of these kind of books written by men? Are women not interested in the topic? No, they most certainly are interested in these topics and many women have become readers of these literary pieces.

Do any of you have any explanation as to why we, as the female side of society, not endeavored to put more of our own success strategies into black  and white? Is it that we are so secretive with our formulas that we just want to be selfish with whatever we have learned? Are so self centered that we can not share what we learn with other ladies and gents around the world?

I am going to keep this post ultra short. I just am seeking a reason for this. Do tell.