Saturday, October 15, 2022

Craziest Cheapskate Hack You Have Ever Seen or Done or Heard Of?


There are some frugal tips and tricks which seem pretty normal....pretty every day....and common.

 Last year I was listening to a lady who had a new and  unusual frugal trick that she used in order to continue to be able to knit her beloved crafts, no matter her income or the state of the economy.

So, what was her trick? Her trick was to go to her nearest thrift shop and look for the wooliest sweaters to buy....NOT to WEAR! The reason she would buy these thrift store sweaters was so that she could cut open the seams and unravel the precious yarn and form ¨new¨ balls of yarn that she would then use to create her own new knitted or crochet fashions.

Is this something that you would do?  Does it remind you of something perhaps a relative did back in the Great Depression to continue to afford to knit hats and mitts and sweaters when brand new yarns and wools were out of reach?

Some folks think that an economic recession or depression is on the way...if not already here? What do you think? As for me, I can not predict what is around the bend. I only know that those who refuse to give up....don´t give up and they make the best of what they have, whether that is a little or a lot.

Be blessed my friends, with all you have and own.


Tuesday, September 20, 2022

It's Going to be Ok

The stock markets are rumbling again. Just when we feel like we can shrug off some of this covid chaos.....we feel the threat of financial bullying. The governments that were so quick to send us money when the pandemic rose to power.....are now forcing the populace to its knees fight the creep of inflation.

First things first friends. Don't panic. Panic prevents u from seeing the good in the day. Panic prevents u from seizing opportunity.
So my advice is this: 

Don't panic. Most of us are in the same situation. We will get through whatever life throws at us.....together.

That's my humble pie for today......


Thursday, September 15, 2022

Writing Terribly and Often

Some of you are the midst of trying to monetize your writings.

I must admit I have listened to an awful lot of motivational speakers and professional writers who have taken the time to share their best tips for how to grow your audience and marketability.

One of the most common tips I hear from globally famous authors is quite surprising.

It is simply their advice to ¨Write Terribly and Often¨

Why on earth would a famous author suggest we simply just turn out more volumes of words and focus less on perfection?

Well, it turns out that experience shows that it is not always the ¨best ¨ writers who make the most money from their writing.....It is more likely that the folks who simply WRITE the MOST OFTEN wind up making a space for themselves in creative writing.

This makes every literature teacher wince, because it simply goes against all the classical writing theories.

Literary professors tend to promote whatever form of literature that they are teaching. They don´t often promote the practices that produce the best selling or wealthiest authors.

Sometimes it comes down to this.... Do you want to be a perfect writer who can´t pay the bills....or do you want to become a mediocre writer who can build up a high net worth that can support their whole family and leave a healthy inheritance for the next generation?

Sometimes, itś about just getting up..... having a cup of coffee and churning out some more words.....not perfect words....and definitely not very pretty words....but words on paper....or on the hundreds.

Don´t count the words.....just keep going. You will know when you are done. Same way a  musician knows when the song is complete and time to exit stage will simply know when you are done.

Friends , I wish you success in your creativity.....even if you feel alone and feel your work is not up to par. 
Don´t give up on your creative genius.


