Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Thank you Readers!

It is now the second month of 2020 and I wanted just to take a brief moment to thank you.

Some of my readers I have met in person. Some of my readers are feisty independent folks who cherish self led learning as much as i do. Some of you have found my blog because something I wrote somewhere online upset you....so you went online in a tizzy to hunt down my blog to set me straight ") That's ok, I know I am not a "yes" person. I don't really care if I upset people. It happens.
 I take pride in taking an unpopular path if I feel strongly about something.

Some of you have found my blog because you are struggling to carve out a gluten free lifestyle and the search engines seem to like my gluten free posts...

Some of you have stumbled upon my blog by accident or because a friend or family member sent you a link to one of my posts.

I just want to say this. I value your readership. Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog. It's not a fancy blog....it doesn't yet garner millions of views. But it has a place in my heart. And yes, in an indirect and informal "internet-ish"kind of way...you too have a quiet place in my heart.

It's good to be a seeker. As that Bible verse says and Tony Robbins likes to quote,
 "Seek and ye shall find"......  Sometimes we just need to gather ourselves around others who think differently than we do, so we can glean something fresh and new outside of ourselves.

I hope that something I have written has sparked in you some new found courage....some ferocity to pursue your goals and believe in your own potential.

I hope too that you have felt encouraged to dabble in exploring the bible and sense who Jesus is from it's pages.

Have an awesome day....being you in this good earth.

Peace out,

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Does your Neighbor Qualify?

We all have neighbors. They may live down the street, across the hall, across the fence, down the path or up the hill.

Near or far, we all have neighbors.

What I wanted to talk to you about today is this. If you have a life goal.... are you protecting what you are trying to do from the prying eyes and ears of unqualified neighbors? Do you feel the need to share with all your neighbors all current updates on your steps to accomplish your goals? Why?
Why do you feel obligated to tell folks anything that does not concern them?

Just because someone happens to live near you, does not mean that they are entitled to access a live stream of your life. You are in charge of your life. Your goals are set by you. You decide who has or gains access to your life.

 I hope that you test people before you give them the privilege of access. People need to qualify for your friendship. Being discerning about who you permit into your confidence is going to help you build a healthy fence around your life. Those kind of fences are necessary.....they keep the good in....and the bad out.

Please be careful and guard your heart, your ears, your mind....and yes, your mouth from those who do not qualify for access to your life.

I am not suggesting in any way, that you should be rude or unkind to your neighbors. No .
In fact, the bible advises us to live peacefully with our neighbors because they live near us.

But living peacefully with your neighbors does not mean you need to give them a key to your home or to your life. Protect your privacy. Protect your goals.

There may be seasons of life during which you need to withdraw from certain social circles, so that you can accomplish your self-set life goals. Don't lose your focus for any reason. If folks think you are a snob because of your extreme focus.....who cares? Focus is not something that you can afford to let go of.

You will only retain your focus if you protect your life from those who do not qualify to share it.

Peace out,

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Harnessing your Atmospheric Memory

When I was probably 12 years old or somewhere around that age, I recall spending a youthful moment skipping rope in my driveway with a friend. i remember what I was wearing. I remember the feeling of the weather and the sound that the skipping rope made when it hit the driveway.

It's amazing the memory power that we humans have.
Sometimes we need to harness that innate memory power and put it to work to support our life goals.

For example, let's say you have a goal to accomplish in the field of science and it would really help you to be able to recall from memory the entire periodic table of the elements , complete with the atomic number, mass etc.  Well, you could find an audio recording of the periodic table somewhere online or perhaps create your own manual recording on your smart phone of the facts and figures that you are trying to commit to memory.

Then what you do, is put that audio recording onto a loop and listen to it, as background sound throughout your day whenever possible. With today's wireless headphones, it is virtually limitless as to when and where you can listen to audio recordings. By simple "mindless" repetition of the data you want to import into your brain, you are taking full advantage of  your atomospheric memory. You will learn without any effort on your part, other than the effort of the decision it takes to press "play" on your audio device. Yes, it may also take some time to find the right recording of the data that you are trying to impart to your brain, but that is part of the cool challenge. Hack your brain.....take that part  of you which doesn't want to learn anything new, and set it on "auto pilot mode' through simple auditory repetition. Try it and  see how well it works for you.

With this method, you will commit to memory large sums of knowledge. This is one way to overcome your "monkey brain" as Tim Ferriss calls it.
May God bless your life goals, and empower you to maximize your potential to learn in this season of your life, \Peace out,

PS. By the way, Youtube also has a function through which you can easily set a video onto a loop, so that you can listen over and over to the same video through your day. Apparently this tool doesn't work on a smart phone, but it does work on a laptop or PC. Simply go to the video that you want to set on a loop, and skip through any ads that appear...and then simply right click on your mouse and a menu that contains a few choices will appear on your screen. "Loop" will be in the drop down list. Simply click on it and voila, your video is now on a loop.